Sunday, September 27, 2015


                  Resource Scarcity and Climate Change

“Going green” has rapidly become the new norm for the industries of tomorrow.This mindset coupled with initiatives and policies that focus on climate change, resource scarcity, and increased consumer, industry and political interests is putting pressure on businesses to evolve from traditional technologies to more innovative ones. In this environment, it is inevitable that clean technologies on efficient resource consumption, renewable energy, biofuels, information technology, waste reduction and management, among others, will lead to a paradigm shift in business practices.

Much of these and other activities are premised on the expectation that demand for food, water, and energy will grow by approximately 35%, 40%, and 50%, respectively, while climate change will worsen the outlook for the availability of these critical resources. These were the figures reported in the Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds report published by the National Intelligence Council in 2012. It mainly attributes the increase in demand to the increase in global population and the consumption patterns of an expanding middle class.

On the demand for energy, for instance, many industry groups are concerned that the increasing household and industry electricity consumption, driven by the growth in the economy, could eventually lead to a power crisis. The recent widespread power failure in Mindanao is quite ominous. The energy supply could be eroded further by delays and oppositions to several power infrastructure projects. This is a potential risk that could disrupt the power supply and otherwise cause prices to shoot up, affecting businesses, industries and consumers and eventually undermining our fast growing economy.

Around the world, almost every government has included addressing resource scarcity and climate change in their agenda. Some noteworthy achievements in the energy sector are China’s clean energy and efficiency initiatives, Saudi Arabia’s solar development plan, and Brazil’s efforts to promote wind and biofuels.For its part, the Philippines has enacted several laws and policies and established a clean technology fund investment plan focusing on energy and transport, to tackle resource efficiency issues. Our government focusing primarily on energy spearheads most of the cleantech initiatives and projects which the business sector has already begun to embrace.

Clearly, our government is embarking on cleantech as a viable alternative to address the growing demand for energy, with the private sector playing a key role in providing investments and expertise to aid its success.Further, the largest global corporations are meeting the challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon and resource-efficient economy through proactive energy strategies. Global corporate energy strategies are based on improving energy efficiency to mitigate energy cost hikes, increasing use of renewable energy and growing energy self-generation.

To address these risks, local companies are currently reviewing their supply chains, reducing carbon emissions and adopting green technologies. Most notably, many companies have already started utilizing RE as a feasible strategy to achieve self-sufficiency for its energy needs. The DOE website mentions 31 energy generation projects awarded under RE Law for “own-use” by companies. Playing on the strength of the Philippines as an agricultural country, these companies turned mostly to biomass as feedstock for energy self-generation.Globally, every business will be affected by the growing world population, rising consumption and a deteriorating supply of natural resources. To remain competitive, businesses should assess how these factors can impact their operations.

So I conclude that each of us Filipinos should take care of the environment by teaching ourselves discipline and sharing this knowledge to other people. To avoid scarcity of natural resources on the upcoming years and also to avoid costly interventions by doing a simple job we can all benefit from it. Just thinking about it and stop being lazy we can all do it.



  1. We must think of the benefits for the country and for others, not only ourselves. - Mia Russell

  2. We must think about the effects of the things we do before actually doing them. I agree that we should teach ourselves to be more disciplined. Just by being more disciplined, responsible and aware we can make a better future for the next generations especially since the population is growing rapidly.

  3. I know that it's not that easy for people to do things for the environment, but sharing this essay to friends, and then friends of friends could encourage people and can be a simple move for us to have a better environment.

  4. Hopefully, we learn to take care of the environment, not only for our sake, but for the sake of the future generations to come. The government may be responsible for providing our needs but it is us who have to learn to use them wisely.

  5. Before we do something, we must think everything through. The pros, the cons, etc.

  6. The environment has always been shaped due to man's actions. Nature has always been there for us, but we never return in kind. Man needs to learn from its bad decisions and actions.

    -Paul Beltran

  7. As the world becomes more populous, urbanized and prosperous, demand for energy, food and water will rise. But our planet’s natural resources to satisfy this demand are finite.The impact of our economic development model is amplified by the linkage between climate change and resource scarcity. Therefore, it is important that we should take care our environment and be responsible with all our actions because the future lies within us.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  8. Not only the Philippines but also the people of the world should help in bringing back our Natural resouces like before. And also, we start by setting ourselves as example. Because in the end, it is us who will benefit fom doing so.

  9. Scarcity requires choice. People must choose which of their desires they will satisfy and which they will leave unsatisfied. When we, either as individuals or as a society, choose more of something, scarcity forces us to take less of something else. Just make sure that your choice satisfies you.

  10. Scarcity requires choice. People must choose which of their desires they will satisfy and which they will leave unsatisfied. When we, either as individuals or as a society, choose more of something, scarcity forces us to take less of something else. Just make sure that your choice satisfies you.

  11. Yes, being discipline and sharing this knowledge to other people can really help our nation but this is a choice, as individuals, we sometimes choose our wants rather than our needs. In order for the Philippines to not experience scarcity we must know our need and should way out the pros and cons before doing something.

  12. People must know that taking a stand against the adverse effects of climate change is not a solitary act but rather, a consolidated one.

  13. We should keep the dignity of the Philippines and it is our natural resources.

  14. As a citizen of this country we should learb how to take good care of our environment because it is also for our own good. And for the future to still use our environment.
