Saturday, September 26, 2015

Philippine Economy- Dy, Angela Jamella Mae U.

Unit 8-  Economic and Political Studies

             Economy refers to the process of production, distribution, and consumption of certain goods and services by individuals in the society. Economic activity involves natural resources, labor and capital. Man  and women, organizations, or government are individuals who can participate in the economy.

           Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfill all human wants and needs.

         Politics refers to exercise of power of governance. The word had its roots in Greeks politikos which means "for citizens".It is always associated with power in administering and organizing a society, group, government, church and etc. An exercise of power is constituted into what is called political system.  Political system  refers to system of power of governance. 

       In the Philippines, two controversial economic approaches to deal with scarcity were launched during the presidency of Fidel V.  Ramos under the banner "Philippine 2000" and whose effects are still felt at the moment: privatization and deregulation. Privatization refers to transfer of overall ownership and  management of companies and enterprises from public to private sectors. Deregulation refers to the removal of government rules and regulations that restrict the operation of market activity. Aside from this, another woe among the Filipinos is the increasing external dept of the country, 

        As ibon points out, Philippines has become a debt-dependent government to Asian Development bank (ADB), World Bank, resulting to increasing taxes of the Filipinos. Ibon even theorizes that "for every P100 in taxes collected P60 will go to deb payment including the principal and interest.

      Economic and political studies can help explore the condition of man and society. They help determine the barriers for social progress in modern or postmodern times. Our country is very dependent to other country although we get benefits from this, it's still not enough to supply the needs of every Filipino and to think that we are overpopulated the government, the citizens must do something about this. Vital component for fiscal consolidation is migration and remittances which can benefit our economy through foreign exchange. The citizens of the Philippines are suffering sue to the scarcity of food, unemployment, uneducated, poverty and all the worse scenarios you can think of is happening here in the  Philippines. Corruption is rising the occasion. We must stop it to have a brighter future and to raise our Philippine economy.


  1. Now having heard in both parties of the Asian Development and World Bank, the pre-dependability of the government is not giving an effective delivery to the raising of taxes for Filipino workers. Concerning we must use all ingenuity to marshal limited resources for maximum use. Like the writer, I also want change. Change for the better. And I ask myself also; "Why not?" We have so many solutions but less actions. From corruption, poverty and garbage to a better life, from traditional economic recovery to bold industrialization, we must avoid our crab mentality.

  2. Overpopulation makes the society difficult to handle. It could lead to poverty and if this occurs, crime takes place. Our country can't perform well because a lot of the officials are corrupt. Government thinks they are the only ones who are suffering, but they can't even look us in the eye when we need them to help us change for a better future. Government agencies aren't enough for our society. We need something even more helpful and REALLY productive. Someone who is a man/woman of his/her word.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Overpopulation is one of the root causes of poverty in the Philippines. Too many people, too little job opportunities. This brings down the economy of the Philippines

  5. In order to truly improve our economic standing, the entire country needs to change from within- meaning our government. We need to stop electing corrupt officials and elect those who are truly trustworthy of our entire economy.

    -Paul Beltran

  6. The only way for our country to progress is if the government does something about all the problems the country is facing. Everything starts with the government and voting good leaders will start the change of making our country a better place.

  7. The only way to solve the problem of overpopulation right now and to improve our economy is if we ourselves the people of this nation work hand and hand to help create a better country.It may seem impossible but it always starts when one man makes a stand to make a difference.

    -Marc Lim

  8. Voting for the right people to lead our country brings us closer to solving the problems of our country. The right leader can help our country progress.

  9. Change is greatly needed in our society now and it should start within us.

  10. It’s no news that we have problems in our country that need to be fixed. We crib and complain about them, blame the government and the system, and finish off saying the situation is unfixable. How about we stop playing the blame game and try to do a little bit at our end to bring about a change? After all, it starts with you.

  11. We must take action in this situation and not do the blaming game. If we do this, all we do is talk and not do any change. Electing those leaders who are transparent and can give a brighter future could help us, us, the citizens should not be tempted with money they give just for us to vote for them. What's a 500 pesos compared to the millions of pesos they take from us from being corrupt?

  12. Politics doesn't need to be a bloodline but it needs to be a succession of great minds that we be in need for the country.

  13. However, the improving situation of the economy should not make the public, especially the government, be complacent. There are still a lot of fundamental concerns that needs to be addressed. One of these is the issue of sustainability.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  14. I agree that corruption should be stopped to have a brighter economy. What is the root cause of this you may wonder. It is ourselves. We basically pay the government to do what we want them to do. Filipinos have to vote wisely when choosing leaders if we want to change our economy for the better.

    -Therese Alcoseba BS OT 1-B :D
