Sunday, September 27, 2015

Philippine Demography

By: Kenji Lee Moceno

Population of Philippines 2014

As of 1 January 2015, the population of Philippines was estimated to be 102 333 484 people. This is an increase of 1.90 % (1 911 039 people) compared to population of 100 422 445 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 2 040 584. Due to external migration, the population declined by 129 545. The sex ratio of the total population was 1.006 (1 006 males per 1 000 females) which is lower than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world as approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as of 2014.

Philippines Population 2015

As of 1 January 2015, the population of Philippines was estimated to be 102 333 484 people. This is an increase of 1.90 % (1 911 039 people) compared to population of 100 422 445 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 2 040 584. Due to external migration, the population declined by 129 545. The sex ratio of the total population was 1.006 (1 006 males per 1 000 females) which is lower than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as of 2014. See also map of the world by sex ratio of total population.
So as you can see, it's been a long time that yet this problem is not solved out because there are some mistakes that had been done by the people. The government is still on going process about this situation and it is very crucial that things are to be done in order to let the people survive and protect themselves from poverty and worthless livelihood. The major cause of this problem is sex, people are stubborn enough for not listening the rules at all, it is obviously, publicly stated that we must be careful in our doings that everything shall not be put to trouble. No matter how good or bad you are as a citizen as long as it is not personal or serious one. Especially teens nowadays, they just make sex a pleasure thing to feel the goodness or freedom let's say. Parents are not well-disciplined enough to warn their children, without teaching good things, it will get worst. Poverty is another concern. With this problem too, it is so hard to carry people who have no basic needs so that's why we need to help the government in order to move faster according to their plans and set ups.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that people nowadays basically do everything for fun/freedom. People should be more aware of the effects of their doings and be more responsible. We all know whats right from wrong and it's our decision to choose the right from wrong.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. One of many solutions for this is that people should have to have a family plan. It also takes a responsible parent for the children to be responsible, too and are able to know and do the right thing.

  5. People know that they are free, but they don't know responsible freedom. If only people were more aware of the effects of the things they are doing because they may, not only harm themselves, but also others as well.

  6. Our freedom to do as we want comes with an inherent responsibility from our ancestors who fought for this freedom. This responsibility entails us to think responsibly of our actions before we do them otherwise we would be destroying our own country by ourselves, making all the efforts of our ancestors for naught.

    -Paul Beltran

  7. I have learned that the growth in Philippine population is attributed mainly to the excess of births over deaths. Like any other developing country, Philippines has a high birth rate and a gradually declining mortality rate. The growth in Philippine population is attributed mainly to the excess of births over deaths. Like any other developing country, Philippines has a high birth rate and a gradually declining mortality rate. I have also learned that data on population and vital evens such as live births, deaths, fetal deaths, and marriages are taken from population censuses, demographic surveys, and civil registration.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  8. "With great power comes great responsibility" I quote from the movie Spiderman. The given freedom that we have shouldn't be a gateway to do things too much. We should have our own limitations and learn the consequences of our actions and how it affects the nation.

  9. Freedom has become a very abused word, for generations nowadays define it as fun. Instead of thinking of freedom, why not think before you start doing actions that can mislead the country from being FREE? And by free, it means not facing crucial problems today. On the other hand, parents also should take responsibility in keeping their children well-disciplined and careful from temptations.

  10. One of the problems how teenagers turn into liabilities to society is because of lack of parenting and not being oriented on what is good and what is wrong.
    -Marc Lim

  11. I do agree with you that teens nowadays, they just make sex a pleasure thing to feel the goodness or freedom. People tend to abuse the word FREEDOM, they think abut themselves and not the other people who are affected because of their decisions and also parents are not well-disciplined enough to warn their children, without teaching good things, it will get worst.

  12. Indeed, population is a contributing factor to a nation's progress but, it's more on how a nation chooses to deal with the resources that are available to them. Take China as a concrete example, their over population signifies that they have a surplus in labor force so, their government passes laws that caters to providing their citizens with jobs and livelihood.

  13. Government should do something to take advantange of our population for our country to grow economically.

  14. Yes, I agree with Kenji that sex is the root problem of the growing population in our country and irresponsible parenthood would be another one to blame. If parents would be responsible, then there wouldn't be a problem with our population. Freedom shouldn't also be abused because this will be gone from us if we continue abusing it any further.

    -Therese Alcoseba BS OT 1-B :D
