Saturday, September 26, 2015

by Mary Kate S. Sarvida

The Philippine population comprises 1.37 percent of the world’s total population. Its growth was 3.8 percent as of 2010 and by 2013 the annual growth increased by 1.7 percent. The growth of the population both had negative and positive effects.
The largest proportions of employed population are the laborers and the unskilled workers which are 32.4 percent followed by farmers, forestry workers and fishermen with 16.2 percent share of the total employed population.

This is one of the positive effects of the increase of population. The increase of the population also increases the employment rate. The biggest resources we have are the human resources, the dollars they send are a big help to the economy.

Despite the help of the population increase to our economy there is also a downside to this. The most common negative effects is the rapid increase of the poverty rates. One of the cause of which is teenage pregnancy. They get pregnant at an early age and do not have the financial capability to support both their child and their selves. One in three births in the Philippines is unplanned either unwanted or untimed.

There are different solutions to this, two of which is the functional literacy and family planning. For me, being functionally literate means one had the proper education to know the consequences of what one means to therefore decreasing not only the rapid growth of teenage pregnancy but also the crime rates in our country.

In conclusion both the positive and negative effects of overpopulation should not be ignored and should be given attention.


  1. I love the writer's message to never to ignore overpopulation. Because of the functional literacy and family planning, we all can finally give concern to sharing one another's pain and one another's blessing, we only need to refine the ways of giving and sharing incentives through this launching of programs in a conservative state.

  2. There are two sides of a coin, as some people might say. This applies to other sorts of phenomena, including social phenomena. In this case, overpopulation may have many disadvantages, but it also has positive effects. Although it is negative as a whole in the long run, I agree that we must not ignore but rather give more attention towards this situation.

    -Paul Beltran

  3. Indeed there are both positive and negative effects of overpopulation. And both should never be ignored

  4. In this article it says that teenage pregnancy is one the main reasons of overpopulation. Teenagers nowadays should be more responsible and chaste.

  5. If people were more educated on this problem, we would have less reason to worry about this.

  6. Teenage pregnancy can be avoided,poverty due to overpopulation can be avoided if we just concentrated on teaching young people proper sex education and showing them why you should not do it not just help these people financially but also help our own country to lower one of the main problems of today.
    -Marc Lim

    1. by teaching them what not to do and what they should really do to help this country be a better place.

  7. It is true that teenage pregnancy is one of the causes of overpopulation. We should be more responsible in our actions because it can affect our country.

  8. I do agree that a big part of the reason why the Philippine has seen a rapid increase in the population is due to unplanned parenthood. If young teens got educated about the right way to plan a family. there is a possibility that the population growth would be steady, instead of rapidly increasing to the point where the number of babies being born are more than the job opportunities in the country

  9. Teenagers should think before having sex. First, they are violating rules and religion. Second, they may increase the population which is very crucial. Third, they are not giving prices to their selves. This type of behavior can still be prevented by sex education, proper care from parents, avoiding temptations and prayers.

  10. Teen pregnancy is well established as a cause of poverty. If a region is experiencing a net population growth rate, it is important for sex education, family planning, and self-esteem programs to be concentrated on young women in their teen years.

  11. Demographics are the quantifiable statistics of a given population. Demography is the scientific study of human populations. And demography, some now say, is destiny. It has long been bruited about by local and foreign observers that this country has good and favorable demographics, so good that some are deliriously projecting a positive outlook for the Philippines all the way up to 2050.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It is a fact that teenage pregnancy is one of the main causes of overpopulation here in the Philippines. Teenagers have to be strictly educated with the consequences they are going to get out of this experience. Sex may be pleasurable but when it is unplanned, you are going to have to suffer heavy consequences and contribute to the increasing birth rates that we have in our country.

    -Therese Alcoseba BS OT 1-B :D
