Friday, September 25, 2015

Philippine Demography by Harly B. Tagab

The Philippines population from 1960 until 2010, Philippine population averaged 56.9800, reaching an all- time high of 94.6000 million in December of 2010. The total population in the Philippines was last reported at 94.6 million people in 2010 from 27.1 million in 1960, changing 250 percent during the last 50 years. Having the 1.37 % of the world's population. Saying one in every 73 people in the planet lives in the Philippines. That's a lot. The Census version says that in 2010 our country's population increased by 15.83 million as of May of 2010. The percentage from 2009 to 2010 went from 0.6 to 3.8. Not even the highest in October it became 4.5. Meaning we're over populated. Which causes problems. Problems Over populated meaning jobs. Not everyone will be able to work and have a living. That's only one of the problem. Among the population 32.4% are unskilled workers followed by farmers, forestry and fishermen which is 16.2%. Also even though you have a job most of the is less than 40 hours. A full time job is considered to be 40 hours. But in the Philippines only 63.8 work for 40 hours. 35% work part time. Underemployed 43.3% High school graduates 33.3% College Undergraduates 22.9% College graduates 19.4% In education 58 our of 67 millions of Filipinos age 10 to 64 are functionally literate. Big problem in our society. We need to be educated to be able to survive specially in the Philippines. Only 51% of a family are planning to have kids. The other percentage are unplanned. Among women age 15 to 19 31% of births are unplanned. 21% are even unwanted. This is just crazy. What is our country doing? Young woman getting pregnant at age 15 are you kidding me? What is our generation of parents teaching these kids? The result of this is 35% infants deaths in every 1000. Even in my experience in Velez College students finding a fetus in a school restroom. What are we doing? Whoever that was. What are you thinking? You not wanting the baby so you just force it out and leave it at a school restroom? Have you no shame? My conclusion is that we need to get our people's our country men and women to be smart. By electing the right people to run and help our country the right way. Even though is gonna be hard because of how poor our country men and women. Meaning they can be bought out for just money to feed their families. Still at least to be smart enough from wrong and right. My only solution is to get as many young men and women meaning kids to go school and be educated so they can have a better future for their families and generations after them.


  1. It's nice to know that there are still writers out there that put their observation to the test. Quote: "Even in my experience in Velez College students finding a fetus in a school restroom. What are we doing? Whoever that was. What are you thinking? You not wanting the baby so you just force it out and leave it at a school restroom? Have you no shame?"

    The hindrance of most writers is not the shortage of words, but it's the shortage of expression. I believe that the potential in finding capable leaders must not recognize only smart people. Hence, there are plenty out there that are genius but do not use their capability in heart to care for other people. I believe with the sense of passion for others, we can go far towards adapting common family program; hence, accepting our standards as a challenge for the freedom of choice in each Filipino to remiss indeed, if given our situation today, to undertake tasks we failed to provide an answer.

  2. Soon enough we will run out of places to put our people. Overpopulation is a rising problem in out country today. Family planning would best be recommended

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Although it would be entirely difficult for our generation to completely improve the economical state of our country, we could assist the future generations by investing in their education in order for them to not commit the same mistakes as us.

    -Paul Beltran

  5. Its never too late to change as long as we embrace change.We should let schools have proper sex education because i believe that most of the percentage of these growing young adults are not properly educated on this which is why it results to this. We people learn mostly through influence and we young people are always curios to the point we fall because of curiosity.

    -Marc Lim

  6. Our government should help our people by at least giving those in poverty an eduction.

  7. Education is key to change and I feel as if the government knows this and that they are making education something unattainable even though it is the right of the people to be educated.

  8. I agree that education is one of the many solutions of this problem. It is the only way the people can know the problems that we are facing now.

  9. Education is important but not all can afford it. At least, let the government officials hold an educational project for those who can't afford it. And for the schools, sex education should be included for it can give awareness and by this, teenagers can now think twice before increasing the population.

  10. To have a more prominent country, I agree that education is the answer since this is the key to development. People living in poverty should be educated and this should not be taken for granted.

  11. Education should be the main solution for this problem, the government should do a project in where people can be aware of the different consequences of unplanned pregnancies. This would make them think twice before doing certain actions.

  12. Lack of information about family planning methods rather than a desire for more children accounts for the failure among the poorest families to regulate births. The use of contraception methods will also lower the number of abortions, which even in Catholic Philippines is often the last resort in addressing unwanted pregnancies. The Filipinos should be educated enough to know these things.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  13. It is true that education is the key role to solving overpopulation but I best recommend family planning, responsibility and to again, always think before we act. The government must also act and take this matter seriously because one of the main problems in our economy is overpopulation.

    -Therese Alcoseba BS OT 1-B :D
