Sunday, September 27, 2015



The Philippines have faced numerous trials and ordeals with regards to its government and the welfare of the people. It has endured through many colonizations and has suffered through martial law. But after all the experiences that Filipinos have been through, why is it that they still keep on repeating their mistakes? Why is the poor getting poorer every day? Why is it that there are still many that are jobless? Why is it that many of Filipinos would rather choose to work abroad instead?

Today The Philippines is ranked on one of the top emigration countries in the world. The economy in the Philippines depends heavily on remittances. The intensive involvement of government in emigration plays a crucial role, in other words, the Philippines have become an exporter and its goods are its citizens.

Filipinos are struggling in finding stable jobs due to the reasons of overpopulation. There are also some cases especially to Filipinos who weren’t able to finish their education that job companies would require experience and bigger standards. For this some of them would seek for jobs in abroad. The Government would also gained from this, for this will help boost the source of foreign exchange in the country. 

Some of the Filipinos in the other countries are given good benefits but some are still placed in a vulnerable situation, their rights, are always at stake, yet little mechanisms for protection are given to them. Some Filipinos are also experiencing cases of racial discrimination; Filipinos are known for being hardworking and due to the fact that the monetary peso conversion is big , Filipinos are sometimes being abused by other countries for they know that they wouldn't say no when a large amount of money is involved. In this case Filipinos are once again being slaved by foreigners.


  1. It's just sad how the Filipinos abroad and even in our own country are being underestimated and degraded by foreigners. - Mia Russell

  2. If the only good thing we have in our country are our citizens, the government should at least do something beneficial to the citizens or at least have better mechanisms for protection for those citizens abroad.

  3. Overpopulation is also the problem that it leaves other citizens jobless and chose to leave their loved ones to give them a better life.

  4. There are many pros and cons of having OFWs but the thing is people should be working to help develop our own country, not already developed countries. Our economy depends heavily on the remittances of OFWs but we tend to forget that these same people are suffering from the lack of protection from the government.

  5. Filipinos leave their motherland in search of higher salary, which is just sad

  6. In order to avoid our own countrymen from working outside instead of our own country, we need to improve our economy as soon as possible.

    -Paul Beltran

  7. To think of it, some Filipinos are turning their back from their own country because they couldn't find a stable job, less salary, hard-work isn't worthy being done when it comes to working here in the Philippines because what we get isn't enough. Plus, overpopulation and corruption is the only thing rising in our country. Our economy needs true leaders.

  8. The government should be able to provide more job fairs here in our country. Because as I've seen, foreigners are once again dominating in the business field. The going abroad pf the ofw's are due to the lack of job offers here in the Philippines and a very low paying salary.

  9. The Philippine economy can only become less dependent on Overseas Fillipino Workers (OFWs) remittances but not completely independent from it.One of the biggest reasons why the country cannot do without OFW remittances is its important role of promoting inclusive growth or economic growth that trickles down to the masses.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  10. It's really sad when you come to think of it, these Filipino who chose to work abroad are usually the ones who really excel and they are also the best people for the job but these foreigners take them for granted, they chose to discriminate them instead of praising them for helping their economy.

  11. There are pros and cons to this situation. Pro, the OFWs abroad who send remittances to our country help in providing the country with additional income. Con, all the qualified professionals are leaving the country to seek for greener pasture

  12. Filipinos are already abundant as OFWs but they are also maltreated due to being a Filipino, we should make a stand that everyone in any place is sought to be equal.

  13. Most filipinos are working abroad they are working so hard to for their families yet there are some filipinos who are abused. The government should take a stand in avoiding this situation.

  14. Well, it is unavoidable that Filipinos have to work abroad to get a better job and salary. If we want to do something about this, then let us improve our economy. If we do, then so many job offers will come from every corner and this will make us a productive country.

    -Therese Alcoseba BS OT 1-B :D
