Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sociology in Different Views

an article of the different views of Sociology as tackled by Comte, Martineau and Marx by Ezra Soriano

Sociology is a ‘science of society’, making it unlike any other science present in the modern-day. Since it is a’ science of society’, it therefore called a positive science, according to Auguste Comte. Auguste Comte is the ‘Father of sociology’, he was the first to develop the concept hence, making him the first sociologist. He introduced the ‘Law of Three Phases’. It is in this law that he is known for being a social scientist and philosopher. The ‘Law of Three Phases’  basically presents the different progressions of man’s reasoning and understanding of the world around him. The Theological Phase- it is in this phase that man uses divine power as the principle of everything and there is no scientific involvement whatsoever. Next is the Metaphysical Phase states that perception and possibilities if man come from abstract forces thus, rendering human development as an inherent fact.  Secular and liberal views were developed during the period of Renaissance- an era greatly associated with this phase- and was considered a true sign of development. Last but not the least, the Scientific Phase, this phase is based on empirical data thus making it valid and truthful. In this phase, divine power and abstract forces are disregarded because these are not based on empirical data. All rational elements are not included in this phase. This phase is characterized by purely scientific means of attaining knowledge and reasoning. The ‘Theory of Evolution’ is greatly associated with this phase.
Harriet Martineau was an English sociologist, one of the first women to distinguish herself in a man’s field. Much like Comte’s understanding of sociology, she too, rejects all forms of irrational bases for reasoning (theology and abstract forces) and considers science as the most valid means of acquiring knowledge. She also stated that secularism ought to replace the religious world since it would hinder the progress if any fast growing state. She believed that general social laws should always be at work in any society in order to make a mature state since modern science is the most advanced product of man.
Karl Marx was a socio-political theorist who conceived the theory on conflicts in any society. These conflicts are often rooted from material inequality which is inherent in a capitalist state. It states that conflict can be eliminated if all workers unite. Marx believes that workers have power advantage over the capitalists.
In the advent of the modern society, the disparity between the capitalists and workers are becoming greater and greater. This is because society favors the capitalist because they can acquire numerous benefits in doing so. Marx stated that the key to conflict abolition is through mass opposition done by the workers of the state (for they are the force that drives the capitalist state and keeps it thriving) but, given the circumstances in the present-day society, it would take great and lengthy efforts for the workers to succeed, especially in a profit-driven society like ours. Equality is hard to achieve especially if the enemy holds great power and influence over the masses. It is a sad reality to face that we, humans, are living in a capitalist state and it would take a long period of time before the workers’ voices and concerns can be heard but through solidarity  among workers worldwide, equality can still be achieved by the masses.   


  1. Comte thinks that all events are explainable with science. I agree to half of what Comte thinks. Science can be a safe answer to the Things that may be unexplainable. In my point, science is covering what society might not want to see.

    Mary Lizette L. Valde

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Whether you believe in science or religion or both, it is your own opinion and conviction. I agree that everyone has the right to be treated equally, but that is hard to achieve in our society.

    Sarah Natasha A. Presiados

  4. I agree that we should be treated equally and with this we will be all united.

  5. I agree to what Comte said that everything and all things are to be explained by science that in fact, science explanations are everywhere, in different fields of our society. Science is covering all of the aspects that people is trying to see in the reality considering nowadays that we are trying to live in the world full of scientific explanations whether believable or not. Science explains everything we can not see with our bare eyes.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. As the statement says, "If theirs a will, theirs a way. " I think, what is missing with the workers or the proletariat is courage. Courage to fight for their rights, courage to stand against the capitalist or the bourgeoisie. Human as we are, we should stand for our rights.

    Jerick Lim BSOT-1B

  8. All of these sociologists contributed a lot towards today's society. They may have been underappreciated during their time, since all of their views see religion as an obstacle, which made them seem heretical. However, it's without a doubt that their voices shaped up the society to what it is today. I for one think that among these three sociologists, Marx's idea of communism was the better among all three. It's his way to fight back against capitalism. But then again, one's views of society is purely subjective and depends on a person's principles in life.

    -Paul Beltran, BSOT-1B

  9. It is absolutely correct, we should treat each other equally because we are just a dust in this world.

    Irvin Nolasco BSOT-1B

  10. Equality, unity, beliefs, religion, politics and science. All of these things are the foundation of life. However, all of these are hard to achieve in our society when man is selfish by nature. One would always want to be on top of the other and this would create havoc and chaos which will of course, lead to war. There will never be a perfect and ideal state. Everything here in the world is imperfect. We can't also say that it is THOROUGHLY IMPOSSIBLE, but the chances of making a world a better place to live in is a percentage of 50 50.

    Therese Adrienne A. Alcoseba BSOT-1B :D

  11. It depends on the person who he/she against or believe to. We have different opinions about science and religion. Maybe, we must just respect others opinion.

    Stefani L. Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  12. I agree that certain things are explainable by science . And i also agree that we must be treated equally.

    Hope Mari E. Alido BSOT1B

  13. I agree with Comte said that everything and all things are to be explained by science. It is true that science explanations are everywhere, in different fields of our society but believing in Science and respecting the option of the people of the society regarding religion should be balance to create peace amongst ourselves.

    Trisha Regalado BSOT1B

  14. It is indeed true that science has an explanation for everything but that doesnt mean that the explanation is correct. and for Marx's theory, i agree that we all should be treated equally.

    Samantha Dyle T. Ayo BSOT 1B

  15. Comte was conscious of the fact that the three stages of thinking may or do coexist in the same society or in the same mind and may not always be successive.Through social science, Comte believed all human social ills could be remedied. Science is the closest evidence that can prove that Comte's theory is true. However, we can never completely assume that his theory is a hundred percent accurate.

    -Frances Drew Bosque BSOT 1-B

  16. I agree on the theory about science can explain everything. But in terms of human nature , we should also include the religion. I personally believe that religion can bring goodness to the society, mentioning the commandments of God.

  17. Unity and equal treatment is one of the main concepts of Karl Marx which is really helpful in making a society strong. The other concepts of the sociologists are only because of curiosity and not all of us can relate to their concept. What we are facing here is how everyone else is treated and Karl Marx has the answer.

  18. I agree to Comte's theory that everything is explainable through science . Because if things were not all explained by science we would presume differently . We wouldn't be able to understand gravity without scientific explanation , We wouldn't be able to know what are we breathing without scientific explanation.

  19. I agree with what Comte said that everything can be explained by science. But we all have different beliefs and perspectives in life. I will always support Marx's theory about equality. There is always one above the other. This is why he introduced communism to us because we are all equal when we adopt this in our society.

  20. I agree with what Comte said that everything can be explained by science. But we all have different beliefs and perspectives in life. I will always support Marx's theory about equality. There is always one above the other. This is why he introduced communism to us because we are all equal when we adopt this in our society.

    -Julianne Marie T. Brazil BSOT-1B

  21. I agree with what Comte said that everything can be explained by science. But we all have different beliefs and perspectives in life. I will always support Marx's theory about equality. There is always one above the other. This is why he introduced communism to us because we are all equal when we adopt this in our society.

    -Julianne Marie T. Brazil BSOT-1B

  22. I agree with what Comte said that everything can be explained by science. But we all have different beliefs and perspectives in life. I will always support Marx's theory about equality. There is always one above the other. This is why he introduced communism to us because we are all equal when we adopt this in our society.

  23. I agree with what Comte said that everything can be explained by science. But we all have different beliefs and perspectives in life. I will always support Marx's theory about equality. There is always one above the other. This is why he introduced communism to us because we are all equal when we adopt this in our society.

  24. Unity between the people may be difficult to achieve since we have different religions, cultures and beliefs, but this should not hinder us from trying. We should start by looking at each other equally, disregarding the social status.

  25. Unity is easier said than done but in order for the society to be better we must all commit. Race, religion, cultures and even opinions shouldn't deter us from the real goal.

    Angel Oropel BSOT 1B

  26. Every man has the right to voice out their stands. Not just for the benefit of being recognized but also for the benefit of being treated fairly. They have the right to protect their dignity and the right to be respected. But of course, man can't be respected when that man himself does not respect others.When we come to think of this in a realistic way, most of the people's voices aren't heard by the government. This is one of the reasons why there is still poverty and injustice. However, I believe that equality may still happen if people are just open-minded and have the ability to act upon something for the benefit of the people.

    Regina Clare Urbina BSOT - 1B

  27. Indeed, unity is easier said than done. The hamartia of human beings is stereoptyping. We see a beggar and we see a person who is lazy and lives off asking from others. We don't see a person who might have been a soldier once but lost it all in some war and is simply trying to feed his family. We see a billionaire and immediately consider them lucky or maybe smart. But we don't see the sweat they shed since they were 18 to get to where they are. So, yeah. To sum it all up, we should treat others with respect since we've all got our own battles and we should recognize the good works of others.

    Brinkley Deticio BSOT 1B

  28. Inequality creates social division. Societies which are highly unequal create resentment and social division. And it is a sad fact that inequality is present in our society. However, if people cooperate hand by hand altogether towards the progress of society, we can surpass these challenges that limit us to be united as one.

  29. Everyone has the right to believe to anything they want. Science or religion why do you care what they believe on?

  30. I agree that everything can be explained through science but it doesn't mean that we should believe in it. We all have our own beliefs, religions and cultures. Although we have differences with other people, it doesn't mean that we aren't able to cooperate to have a more united society.

    Raika Camille G. Tiu

  31. I also agree that there are also scientific explanations for certain things. It just depends on the person what or whom to believe.

  32. I agree with Ezra because in a world where majority are workers, they are the ones being oppressed while the 1% put their feet on top of the workers backs. Hopefully, in the future, workers will find their voice and disparity between the rich and poor will no longer exist.

  33. It is the will and/or beliefs of an individual that makes him different. We should take a stand for what we believe in and respect the beliefs of other people. "Free will" is what made us human.

  34. I agree that all of us should be treated equally but obviously, with the bias still roaming all around the Philippines freely, this is something hard to achieve. Also how can we avoid being bias when our own leaders are bias?

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN2A

  35. I agree that all of us should be treated equally but obviously, with the bias still roaming all around the Philippines freely, this is something hard to achieve. Also how can we avoid being bias when our own leaders are bias?

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN2A

  36. I agree also agree that science can explain almost everything in this world. But people are people. We are unique. We have our own thoughts and beliefs. It is up to us if we will believe that science, religion or culture. We believe that everyone must have equal rights because we are equal in the eyes of our God. We were made by his image and likeness but some of us don't receive this equality that we all wanted because some of us are blinded by what we call power in the society. I understand that not everyone is given equal capabilities but without the help of other people, we cannot survive. Thus, we should share equal rights. We must be treated equally.

    Chimney M. LLanos

  37. I agree also agree that science can explain almost everything in this world. But people are people. We are unique. We have our own thoughts and beliefs. It is up to us if we will believe that science, religion or culture. We believe that everyone must have equal rights because we are equal in the eyes of our God. We were made by his image and likeness but some of us don't receive this equality that we all wanted because some of us are blinded by what we call power in the society. I understand that not everyone is given equal capabilities but without the help of other people, we cannot survive. Thus, we should share equal rights. We must be treated equally.

    Chimney M. LLanos

  38. Out of all the sociologist mentioned, I agree with Auguste Comte in which he created the law of three phases based on society and humanity, that people could fine solutions to the social problems of society as human beings

    Mary Kate S. Sarvida

  39. I d agree with this article, but I don't always believe that science can explain everything. Most f the things, yes, but there are happenings in this world that science cannot explain.


  40. Everybody has different perspectives when it comes to things or situations so according to Marx belief that there should be absolute equality among the society, but equality connot be achieve when there is no unity, unity is hard to achieve when the people themselves act selfishly and lacks respect with one another.

    Sheena Licong BSOT-1B

  41. I will disagree to Martineau because theology, no matter what will not be rejected as one of the foundations for society. Someone might reject it for himself but when talking about society, we cannot.


  42. I will disagree to Martineau because theology, no matter what will not be rejected as one of the foundations for society. Someone might reject it for himself but when talking about society, we cannot.


  43. i agree that people should be unitited and treated equally. I just don't agree that science could solve the problem in our society.

    Finalyn Jaji BSOT-1B

  44. I agree that each one of us should be treated equally and fairly but because of favoritism,power,money & fame in the society, it is a very difficult task to achieve but not impossible. It is said that everything everything can be explained through science but I dont fully believe it. We have our own perspectives and we should respect others perspectives regardless the persons status in the society and the persons religion.

    Bcalaso,Mary Ellen Remedios C. BSN-2A

  45. Bacalso,Mary Ellen Remedios C. BSN-2A
