Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sociologists and Anthropologists by Kent Lee

Auguste Comte was a French philosopher. He was a founder of the discipline of sociology and of the doctrine of positivism. He is sometimes regarded as the first philosopher of science in the modern sense of the term. For Comte, society is like a physical world possessing operative laws, which can be understood by empirical evidence. Comte rejects introspection and intuition as the basis for truth. He believes that society has gone through 3 phases, namely; Theological Phase, which is based from the perspective of medieval Europe. Metaphysical Phase, which is based from the perception that possibilities of every man come from abstract forces. Scientific Phase, which Comte refers to where people could find solutions to problems. For Comte, he believes that everything has a scientific explanation
Harriet Martineau is an English sociologist and the translator of Comte’s writings. She is best known as the first woman sociologist. She pushed for the development of secularism, and that secularism should replace the religious world. For her, modern science is the most advanced product of man.
Karl Marx is a socio-political German theorist. He sees that conflict is caused only by material inequality inherent in capitalist state. He explains that there is always conflict in every society, and such conflict is rooted in poverty as a consequence of the condition of the workers. Marx believes that workers have power advantage over the capitalists. He thinks that conflict can be removed by solidarity of workers. He then promotes communism and states that it shall facilitate man to fulfil his nature as a worker. Man is naturally a worker, so he should be treated with due respect and recognition for his work.

Among the three Sociologists, I would greatly support the theory of Karl Marx, which states “Every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized for his labour” every man should be given the respect and recognition due to him, and we should all look at each other equally, just as how our Creator sees all of us equally, regardless of the riches we have.  


  1. I also agree with Karl Marx theory and what Kent has said that we should all look at each other equally.

  2. I agree that everyone should be treated with respect and given recognition for their hard work.

  3. Harriet Martineau thinks that modern science is the most advanced product of man. Well, it is man's nature to be curious. And therefore to seek and to discover endless possibilities of life's diversities are the main goals.

    Mary Lizette L. Valde

  4. I would also agree to what Karl Marx believe. We should treat every human being equally and righteously despite the boundaries we make to each other. And I would also agree to what Kent said that we should treat every men equally just as our Creator sees us all.

    Jerick Lim BSOT-1B

  5. I agree with Karl Marx theory that we should treat and look at each other equally . Its because of not treating people with equal rights that we have a lot of problems in the world today.

    Marc Lim BSOT-1B

  6. I also agree with Karl Marx theory of man. We should treat each other equally because we are the children of the Lord.

    Irvin Nolasco BSOT-1B

  7. Everyone should be treated equally and appreciate what they've achieved.

  8. I agree to what the author has portrayed in this article based on the theory of Karl Marx stating the equal treatment of the people. People have different achievements and goals in life, some made it to success but some lost their eyes on their paths. Knowing the peoples different priorities we should reconsider for how small or how big they have reached and appreciate all the little things.

    Cheyenne Chelsea D. Empuerto BSOT-1B

  9. I, too, support Karl Marx when it comes to these three sociologists. Equal treatment is extremely needed in society in order for man to coexist with one another. However, the equilibrium of society is not one that could easily be adjusted. It would be very difficult for people to comply if the system itself is not well-thought out. If one wants absolute communism, everyone, and I mean everyone, must be on equal ground, without anyone elevating above it.

    -Paul Beltran, BSOT-1B

  10. As what I have mentioned on the previous post and will continue to do so, I don't support any of their theories, especially when it comes to Marx. Yes, equality is essential in our society. There is no doubt about that. However, communism is a difficult thing to coop up with because we do not have freedom so to speak. Everything is in the hands of the government. To add it up, man is especially selfish by nature and what Marx is doing is rejecting a quality of human nature which I see unfit.

    Therese Adrienne A. Alcoseba BSOT-1B :D

  11. I agree with Kent's opinion about the theory of Karl Marx to respect and to treat each other equally despite the status in the society. Because there is only one lawgiver that can judge us. People should portray equality to the society.

    Stefani L. Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Equality amongst ourselves is the key in having a good society. I support Marx theory and how he explains how we should treat every human being equally and righteously despite the conflicts we have with each other. Like what Kent said "Every man should be given respect and recognition"

    Trisha Regalado BSOT 1B

  14. I agree with Karl Marx Theory, every labor or exerted efforts of a man should be given an appreciation. That every person living in the society no matter what stages they are on, should treat each other equally.

    Nika C. Pagador BSOT- 1B

  15. Among the three sociologist, I support marx's idea. We must be treated equally.

  16. I support marx's theory . We should be treated equally

    Hope Mari Alido BSOT1-B

  17. Karl Marx is telling us that all we need for a perfect society isn't believing in science and same religion but with equal treatment because even our creator treats us equally. How about we also do the same thing.

  18. Between the 3 sociologist, i personally agree and support Marx's theory about equality. Man should be treated as equal, we all should be treated equally. If we treat people equally the problems of our society would lessen and our society would feel more freedom because there would be no judging and no looking down on people.

    Samantha Dyle Ayo BSOT 1B

  19. We live in a world in which wealth, power, resources, life-prospects are very unevenly distributed. Among all three sociologists, I admire Karl Marx the most because opposed the systematic inequalities in the society around him. He also explicitly advocated, at least for the near future, many social measures that egalitarians also support.

    -Frances Drew Bosque BSOT 1-B

  20. I believe that there is still a chance for us to achieve equality if everyone us will learn the value of respect.

  21. I believe that there is still a chance for us to achieve equality if everyone us will learn the value of respect.

  22. Marx shows us that equality is important between society and men since this is the main problem of society.

  23. Marx shows us that equality is important between society and men since this is the main problem of society.

  24. I agree with the theory of Karl Marx and Kent's opinion that men should be treated equally and that we shouldn't judge them by their status. We are facing problems in our society because of inequality.

  25. As stated by Karl Marx, the root cause of conflicts between men is inequality. Every man wants and deserves to be treated equally and man doesn't settle for less especially when he has exerted effort to gain self-benefit (or recognition). However, Comte and Martineau's stand are not wrong. It is just in a matter of perception of man and why man stands for it.

    Regina Clare Urbina BSOT - 1B

  26. I agree on Karl Marx theory and what kent believes in. I think man should be treated with as much recognition as the other.

    Angel Oropel BSOT 1B

  27. I disagree with Martineau in her belief wherein secularism should replace religion though I do salute her for being the first female sociologist. I believe that everything that happens occurs for a reason, though unlike Comte, I do not believe that everything has a scientific explanation since some events occur through the divine and mysterious power of our God. I greatly support Marx in his idea wherein we should all treat ourselves as equals. We all undergo the same struggles in life. We are born, we eat, we fart, we sleep and we die. There's no reason to think of one's self as an individual who is better than the rest.

    Brinkley Deticio BSOT 1B

  28. In our society today, we are witnessing the painful death agonies of a social system that does not deserve to live, but which refuses to die. That is the real explanation of the wars, terrorism, violence and death that are the main features of the period in which we live. I believe in Karl Marx' ideas for he never attempted to discover the laws of society in general. He analysed the law of movement of a particular society, capitalist society, explaining how it arose, how it evolved and also how it necessarily ceases to exist at a given moment.

  29. I agree with Marx that we should look at each other equally.

  30. I also agree that we should treat each other equally.

  31. I also agree that we should treat each other equally.

  32. I also agree that we should treat each other equally.

  33. I agree with Marx in that man should be given due credit to his work and that all men are equal.

  34. The positive and negative aspects in our society should be balanced in order to attain the "perfect society", because one cannot exist with the absence of the other.

  35. How can there be equality when now a days, one does the work and the other takes the credit. Nothing today is balanced. I agree that people should be treated equally ir given equal credits but this is not applicable when the person himself isnt practiciing equality.

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN 2A

  36. Treating each individual equally is impossible in our society. Even in the world. Even though we believe that we are made by the image and likeness of God, that we should be treated eqqually, there will always be those people who do not practice it. They base the society by the power of each clan or family. There will always be those people who would do everything to stay on top. To rule. I don't think equality will be possible anymore. People nowadays are like toys. Toyed by those who are in power to rule. They do not base their decisions through the capabilities and sincerity of a leader but they base it on the "stage act" of those who are in power. Those whom they thought would lead the state to be better.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  37. Treating each individual equally is impossible in our society. Even in the world. Even though we believe that we are made by the image and likeness of God, that we should be treated eqqually, there will always be those people who do not practice it. They base the society by the power of each clan or family. There will always be those people who would do everything to stay on top. To rule. I don't think equality will be possible anymore. People nowadays are like toys. Toyed by those who are in power to rule. They do not base their decisions through the capabilities and sincerity of a leader but they base it on the "stage act" of those who are in power. Those whom they thought would lead the state to be better.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  38. It is so hard to have equality in our society today because everyone is thinking of their own selves. But that doesn't mean it's not possible.


  39. In Comte's theory he said that everything can be explained through science, yes he may have a point but not everything is hundred percent accurate. So we could never be too sure.

    Sheena Licong BSOT-1B

  40. There's always inequality in a society. And because of that conflict is always present.


  41. There's always inequality in a society. And because of that conflict is always present.


  42. i agree people should be treated equally. No matter what people do/does. we should be treated equally. just like God, he sees us equally.

    Finalyn Jaji BSOT-1B

  43. I also greatly support Karl Marx's Theory which states that man should be treated equally and fairly regardless the person's position in the society because if a group of people in the society stops functioning, the rest would all come to a halt because no man is an island. No matter what job in the society you do,big or small, its your action that gives impact to the society..

  44. Bacalso,Mary Ellen Remedios C. BSN-2A
