"The progress of the individual mind is not only an illustration, but an indirect evidence of that of the general mind." - August Comte (1798 - 1857)
COMTE defines sociology as a positive science. For him, our society is like a physical world possessing operative laws, which can be understood by empirical evidence. he rejects introspection and intuition as the basis for truth. He is known for his philosophy of science or sociology called "Positivism". Comte being the most influential philosopher at the time believed that social improvement is possible by the aid of scientific understanding of society and systematic investigation of behavior of man. He postulated one universal law at work in all sciences called the "Law of Three Phases", namely:
- Theological Phase- wherein divine power is conceived as the principle of everything. it considers human development (social progress) based from divinity and attributed to divine forces.
- Metaphysical Phase- based from the perception that possibilities of every man come from abstract forces, thus, renders human development an inherent fact. Secular and liberal views are considered signs of true development.
- Scientific Phase- that human development is reinforced by scientific or positive means, in which all divine, abstract forces are discarded, and natural phenomena are explained by science.
"It is my deliberate opinion that the one essential requisite of human welfare in all ways is scientific knowledge of human nature." - Harriet Martineau (1802 - 1876)
MARTINEAU is an English Sociologist and best known as the first woman sociologist. She rejected theology as the foundation for society and supported Darwin's theory as it was not theological. She sought for the development of secularism including the principle of progress.
"History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy." - Karl Marx (1818 - 1883)
MARX offers alternative explanation to the overarching inevitable reality in all societies - the conflict. That man is born at the condition of abject poverty for being workers. And this alienation refers to workers having no due share with the products they made. Marx explains the there is always conflict in any society, and such conflict is always rooted in poverty as a consequence of the condition of workers. Thus, social conflict is essentially conflict between bourgeoisie (capitalists) and proletariat (workers).
In my opinion, based on the three views and aspects, I personally support Comte's idea. It is because every single idea and concept of a person is a contribution to the so called "mother concept". Every one us has a different perspective toward each views in the society but it can be a great contribution to the real problem of the society which is lack of unity. We need to be united in order to surpass this sociological problem and as for Comte's idea it is a big illustration of what could be a possible solution to it.