Saturday, August 1, 2015

Pioneers Of Sociology And Anthropology

Pioneers Of Sociology and Anthropology 
By Julienne Cabada 

        Auguste Comte is a well known philosopher for his study about social behaviour, its origins, development, organisation and institution or what we call, sociology or "positivism" which seeks truth only with valid knowledge. He believed that social improvement is possible by the aid of scientific understanding of society and systematic investigation of behaviour of man. Comte said that society has gone through three phases, namely, theological, wherein it considers human development based from divinity. Metaphysical, which is based from perception, that the possibilities of every man come from abstract forces this renders human development an inherited fact. And lastly, Scientific or positive perceptions, which Comte refers to where people could find solutions to social problems. He believed that everything can be explained scientifically. Scientific method (observation, experiment and comparison) is used to explain nature. The Theory of evolution is associated with this stage as well. 

While Harriet Martineau sought for the development of secularism, stating that secularism ought to replace the religious world. She believed that modern science is the most advanced product of man.
Karl Marx saw that conflict is caused by material inequality. Social conflict is a dispute between bourgeoisie (capitalists) and proletariat (workers). He believed that class struggle can be eliminated if all workers would unite. Conflit could be removed by solidarity among workers worldwide. Class conflict is eradicated by mass and revolution. Marx then proposes communism, which practices communal ownership, shall be created after the elimination of bourgeoisie. Man is naturally a worker, hence, man should be treated with due respect and recognition of his work. Marx thinks man is determined by material forces of the society. And man's primary concern is material efficiency. True social progress is found in the reduction of economic life of man. Economic welfare of society is the manifestation of social justice.

Among the three, I would greatly support the theory of Karl Marx which states that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. In our society today, it is visible that the rich is becoming richer and the poor is still poor. The workers are not receiving enough credit of their hardwork and most credits are given to the capitalist which for Marx is unfair. For the workers had most of the work than of the capitalist. If only the workers could stand for their right they would get the rightful amount of respect from the people. As what Marx said "man should be treated with due respect and recognition." Thus all of us, no matter how rich or poor we are, either a worker or a capitalist. We are still individuals with dignity and that we all should be treated equally. As for Comte and Martineu's theories, we live in a world where science is involved in everything that is around us and everything that we do. Everything has a scientific explanation. But, also there are religious beliefs and laws that confuses the people for there are beliefs that the people believe without the support of a scientific explanation. That then causes conflicts between individuals even to yourself. But, it is in the hand of beholder if one chooses to respect the beliefs of your religion or to science.


  1. Just like Julienne, i would greatly support the theory of Karl Marx which states that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. Because a lot of people nowadays, do not know anymore to appreciate a person's effort. Because all they really want is the money. I really do believe that money changes a person. As Marx also said that man should be treated equally no matter how rich or poor we are. We should love one another as brother and sister because we can't bring our fortunes when we die.

    Irvin Nolasco BSOT-1B

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  3. I for one would also support the theory of Karl Marx, because it's true that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. Nowadays, people would do anything to get rich, even if it means pulling other people down. We should all see each other equally, just as our creator sees us equally.

  4. I also support Marx's theory that man is determined by the material forces of society and that class struggle should be eradicated.

  5. My belief and Julienne's belief coincide. I would also agree to she said that, every worker should be coequal with the capitalist. Its because without the worker the capitalist is nothing and to think its the worker who does almost the production process. There should have been equal treatment to every worker. Thanks to Karl Marx who made me believe that every individual should be treated equally.

    Jerick Lim BSOT-1B

  6. i too support Karl Marx, because we should really thank the people under us . For they are the reason why people are wealthy these days . We should thank the farmers or the minors for what they do they sacrifice their lives for us to live, for us to become economically richer . We should really give them credit for what they do . I have never heard of a day that was in honored to the farmers to the soldiers or the fire men or our everyday hero's. They never really get so much benefits considering how corrupt our government is we fail to be able to at least say thank you or recognized there hard work to keep society in order . For example without farmers, markets would be out of businesses restaurants wouldn't be able to sell food for they are the reason we are able to eat 3 meals a day without them planting crops raising animals we wouldn't be able to eat. Without the police no one would be able to enforce to law to the people .Without firemen who would put out fires we as people who are blessed with wealth should really respect and recognize these people.

    Marc Lim BSOT-1B

  7. I agree on Karl Marx theory that man should be treated with due respect and recognition. For me i is true that a worker should recieve as much recognition as the man he works for. Because truth be told the workers work harder than the capitalist.

    Angel Claire N. Oropel BSOT_1B

  8. I believe that there should be a balance between religion and science based one's own personal conviction. I also agree that everyone should be treated equally and be given respect and recognition. But I do not believe that Communism can truly work in our society.

  9. I also support Karl Marx theory that every man is a worker and that they should be recognised for their labour.

  10. I agree with Karl Marx theory thhat man should be equally treated with respect and recognation. It's true that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. A lot of people, do not know how to appreciate a person's effort. Since all they really want is the money. Since money changes a person.

    Trisha Regalado BSOT 1B

  11. My belief and Julienne's belief coincide. I would also agree to she said that, every worker should be coequal with the capitalist. Its because without the worker the capitalist is nothing and to think its the worker who does almost the production process. There should have been equal treatment to every worker. Thanks to Karl Marx who made me believe that every individual should be treated equally.

    Jerick Lim BSOT-1B

  12. Marx wants equality among the capitalists and workers. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Capitalism (in relation to Aristotle's view) must respect their workers and vice versa. There would be no dispute if these two parties would united with no malice.

    Mary Lizette L. Valde

  13. Its up to each individual on what they believe in. If they believe in science or religion and its is our right to respect each individual's beliefs. I also agree that everyone should be treated equally but we all know it is hard to be treated equally in this society

  14. I would also agree to Karl Marx's theory that every worker should be recognized by his own labor and should be co equal with the capitalist because in the first place everybody should be treated equally and given an equal treatment without considering the achievements every person attained. But all of us tend to think that the capitalist is the one much more given honor and respect because he/she owns or made the ideas to be done by the worker but basically there are still both people, given equal rights by our creator.

    Cheyenne Chelsea D. Empuerto BSOT-1B

  15. I agree that Karl Marx had the better view regarding society among the three of them, since he mainly targets the problem of financial imbalance. Society before Marx formulated communism is analogical to a boss getting the higher share of a merchandise that was created by the worker, hence an unfair relationship almost similar to parasitism.

    Although an economy with complete equilibrium is an ideal economy for many people, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for this ideal type of economy to occur. The ones in charge as the leaders of the economy, in order to keep the law and society in order, has a definite chance in getting corrupted since absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    But in any case, Marx had the better view among the three of them, making his theory regarding the state the best among all three.

    -Paul Beltran, BSOT-1B

  16. Equal treatment especially in our society is what Karl Marx is trying to tell us what our biggest mistake is,in which we think is improving our society. It is true that people with money win, but can they win the hearts of the people? Not through money, but what we want is that they win through true and a good personality. If you take a look at our society, you can see that there are more people who are poor than the rich people, just because of false-thinking and innequality.

  17. Equal treatment especially in our society is what Karl Marx is trying to tell us what our biggest mistake is,in which we think is improving our society. It is true that people with money win, but can they win the hearts of the people? Not through money, but what we want is that they win through true and a good personality. If you take a look at our society, you can see that there are more people who are poor than the rich people, just because of false-thinking and innequality.

  18. Based on what I have read and understood, I don't support any of their theories. As to why let us first start with Comte's theory. So basically, it is scientifically based on everything which makes a lot of sense but just as Julienne said, there are people who also believe on things that are not scientifically proven like God, faith, karma, ghosts and the like. So even though these are not proven SCIENTIFICALLY, they are believed by a lot of people and this will continue for a long period of time. As for Martineau's theory, secularism isn't the answer to having an ideal state because religion will always be there wherever we go. Religion is basically the foundation of society. And lastly for Marx, I would have to disagree on his view of society the most, especially communism. Yes, workers must have the respect that they need and vice-versa but think of it this way. Communism is where the government does everything. There is no freedom or whatsoever in a communist country. Orders of the government are always absolute and once you disobey them, you suffer the consequences. In other words, this backfires. Revolts will start. The inevitable outcome would be war and this results to failure. To sum it up, there will never ever be an ideal state. The world is imperfect. Yes, the solution would be unity but, this will take up a lot of time because everyone has different views, most especially when it comes to beliefs and creating balance in our society.

    Therese Adrienne A. Alcoseba BSOT-1B :D

  19. "Man should be treated with due respect and recognition." Yes, he should. I agree to Karl Marx, the importance of the value - equality. Poor people will be treated equally by the society. That the rich people will stop discriminating the poor. Treat everyone with respect and equality in the society.

    Stefani L. Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  20. I agree with karl marx's theory. A man's labor be recoginzed. Because a man's labor is not recognize, rich people becomes richer while the poor gets poorer. People are not getting what they deserve because of their social status and because its not really recognize. If we just recognize it and show respect to everyone, our society would be good and balanced. With that we will have Equality in our society.

    Samantha Dyle Ayo BSOT 1B

  21. I agree to Karl Marx's view on society, the workers are afraid to take risk in standing up for their rights and dignity because they think that they are only a tiny part of the big machine (society of capitalists) and are irrelevant and unimportant to the capitalist. However we can change their feeling of being tiny through an equal treatment by all of us including the capitalist. We should always take them as important for they are one of the virtues for the society.

    1. We should always take them as one of us for they are one of us :) and they are also a virtue for the society*

  22. Science can really support most of the things now. But not everything. And it all depends to the believer if he/she believes in scientific explanation or divine words.

  23. Science can really support most of the things now. But not everything. And it all depends to the believer if he/she believes in scientific explanation or divine words.

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  26. Among the three sociologists, I idolize Harriet Martineau the most because she wrote many books and a multitude of essays from a sociological, holistic, religious, domestic, and perhaps most controversially, feminine perspective. She also earned enough to be supported entirely by her writing, which is a rare feat for a woman in the Victorian era.

    -Frances Drew Bosque BSOT 1-B

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  28. I would also agree to Karl Marx's theory. He certainly seems like a radical, but makes strong points when dealing with the inequality of capitalism. Marx wants equality to exist in this world. And we can only achieve peace and balance in this world through equality.

    -Julianne Marie T. Brazil BSOT-1B

  29. I would also agree to Karl Marx's theory. He certainly seems like a radical, but makes strong points when dealing with the inequality of capitalism. Marx wants equality to exist in this world. And we can only achieve peace and balance in this world through equality.

    -Julianne Marie T. Brazil BSOT-1B

  30. I would also agree to Karl Marx's theory. He certainly seems like a radical, but makes strong points when dealing with the inequality of capitalism. Marx wants equality to exist in this world. And we can only achieve peace and balance in this world through equality.

  31. I agree with Karl Marx that social conflict,which is a dispute between the capitalists and the workers, is due to inequality; this could only be eliminated if there was equality between the people. Men should be treated with due respect and recognition. We should not discriminate someone of his social status.

  32. Based on what I have read I can conclude that each theorists have different perceptions on how people benefit from the society and vice-versa. The choices of the people on who they stand for may all be reasonable because this proves that man has different perspectives from one another. But in my opinion, science isn't the answer to everything and so is secularism but I agree to Karl Marx's theory that man is naturally a worker and should be given recognition. I stand by his theory that man should be treated equally and man should treat each other equally as well.

    Regina Clare Urbina BSOT - 1B

  33. As Karl Marx said so, conflict is indeed caused by material inequality. What some would call the "rich versus the poor" has been one of the most upsetting struggles since the dawn of mankind. Stereotyping one another has been nothing but a burden. As Marx put it, we should treat each other equally and with respect. We are, after all, all the same- humans with their own inner battles. And in order to achieve this sort of equilibrium, it's a matter of acknowledging the works of others and their efforts to try to make the world a better place.

    Brinkley Deticio BSOT 1 1B

  34. When Marxists look at society they do not pretend to be neutral, but openly adopt the cause of the working class and socialism. Marxists will strive to obtain the most scientifically exact analysis of social processes, in order to be able successfully to influence the outcome, seeking to draw out the general processes involved and explaining them. Thus, making me support with Karl Marx theory.

  35. Poor or rich doesn't matter treat each other equally. Rich looking down on the poor is just wrong. Equality.

  36. I also agree with what Marx said about workers should be treated with due respect and recognition. It is very unfair for the workers if they don't get recognition for what they do. In short, there should be equality between the worker and capitalist.

  37. I also agree with what Marx said about workers should be treated with due respect and recognition. It is very unfair for the workers if they don't get recognition for what they do. In short, there should be equality between the worker and capitalist.

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  39. There should be equality among individuals, however due to man's shallow judgement we tend to favor the rich over the poor.

  40. I greatly support the theory of Karl Marx . As a second year nursing student, I am honestly still greatly devastated by the fact that nurse's salary is still low. We pay a about a 60000 php tuition yet out salary in the Philippines doesnt even reach above 20k. Not only that, we are exposed to chronic illnesses that could actually cause our death. Everyday is seriously like a suicide attempt yet no one bothers to gives us more credit. Maybe our future patients do but their "thank you"s wont actually help us support our lives in the future, will they? Ergo, I greatly support this theory that every men should be given EQUAL credits.

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN2A

  41. I strongly agree with Karl Marx belief that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. Man must be treated equally. If not, then treat them the right way.

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  43. I strongly agree with Karl Marx belief that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. Man must be treated equally. If not, then treat them the right way wherein they raise each other's dignity as humans.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  44. I strongly agree with Karl Marx belief that every man is a worker and each worker should be recognized by his labor. Man must be treated equally. If not, then treat them the right way wherein they raise each other's dignity as humans.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  45. I agree, not only workers, but also everyone is to be treated equally.


  46. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, no two opinions are alike. I also believe that doing work exerts too much effort and we know for a fact that it isn't a piece of cake. Man deserves to be appreciated and to receive recognition by his fellow man. Man also deserves to be treated equally and with respect.

    Sheena Licong BSOT-1B

  47. Theology shouldn't be rejected though all we have now proves that society cannot stand without science.


  48. Theology shouldn't be rejected though all we have now proves that society cannot stand without science.


  49. I agree in equality no matter what works of the workers are. Even their poor or rich, we must be equal, because we can't be measured in our wealth.

    Finalyn Jaji BSOT-1B

  50. Among all the sociologist, I greatly support the theory of Karl Max which it gives the people equality and should be recognized by the person's labor. In our society now a days, many people dont even care about the "low" jobs in the society because for them the people with "low" jobs doesnt contribute much to the society. Well they are absolutely wrong. Just imagine a society without janitors(for example). Without them who would clean the streets,the public cr? We should recognized their job even in the simpliest way like greeting them with a smile. Don't put pride or too much pride to yourself because nothing will be lost if you just recognize the person's job. Remember that every role in the society, no matter how big or small, it is important...

    Bacalso,Mary Ellen Remedios C. BSN-2A
