Sunday, August 2, 2015

Comte, Martineau, and Marx by Joshua Abad

"The progress of the individual mind is not only an illustration, but an indirect evidence of that of the general mind." - August Comte (1798 - 1857)

     COMTE defines sociology as a positive science. For him, our society is like a physical world possessing operative laws, which can be understood by empirical evidence. he rejects introspection and intuition as the basis for truth. He is known for his philosophy of science or sociology called "Positivism". Comte being the most influential philosopher at the time believed that social improvement is possible by the aid of scientific understanding of society and systematic investigation of behavior of man. He postulated one universal law at work in all sciences called the "Law of Three Phases", namely:

  • Theological Phase- wherein divine power is conceived as the principle of everything. it considers human development (social progress) based from divinity and attributed to divine forces.
  • Metaphysical Phase- based from the perception that possibilities of every man come from abstract forces, thus, renders human development an inherent fact. Secular and liberal views are considered signs of true development.
  • Scientific Phase- that human development is reinforced by scientific or positive means, in which all divine, abstract forces are discarded, and natural phenomena are explained by science.

"It is my deliberate opinion that the one essential requisite of human welfare in all ways is scientific knowledge of human nature." - Harriet Martineau (1802 - 1876)

     MARTINEAU is an English Sociologist and best known as the first woman sociologist. She rejected theology as the foundation for society and supported Darwin's theory as it was not theological. She sought for the development of secularism including the principle of progress.

"History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy." - Karl Marx (1818 - 1883)

     MARX offers alternative explanation to the overarching inevitable reality in all societies - the conflict. That man is born at the condition of abject poverty for being workers. And this alienation refers to workers having no due share with the products they made. Marx explains the there is always conflict in any society, and such conflict is always rooted in poverty as a consequence of the condition of workers. Thus, social conflict is essentially conflict between bourgeoisie (capitalists) and proletariat (workers).

          In my opinion, based on the three views and aspects, I personally support Comte's idea. It is because every single idea and concept of a person is a contribution to the so called "mother concept". Every one us has a different perspective toward each views in the society but it can be a great contribution to the real problem of the society which is lack of unity. We need to be united in order to surpass this sociological problem and as for Comte's idea it is a big illustration of what could be a possible solution to it.


  1. I agree with the idea of unity, but that is hard to achieve when everybody has different opinions about everything

    Sarah Natasha A. Presiados

  2. Being united is a hard thing to achieve but with equality I guess it would be an improvement towards unity.

  3. It's true that some of Comte's ideas were the inspiration of these two other sociologists, hence him earning the title as the Father of Sociology. However, just because he served as an inspiration does not mean that his beliefs are absolute and is the most practical way to ensure the triumph of society. However, the belief of whose theory was better is merely subjective. I for one agree with Marx a bit more than Comte. Marx believed in absolute equality amongst the members of society, while Comte didn't do much as to the financial regard of the society, which was important during the economy of their time.

    -Paul Beltran, BSOT-1B

  4. I respect Comte's idea of humanity. However, Marx's idea of humanity is a much more reflective thing in the modern world today.

    Irvin Nolasco BSOT-1B

  5. I still believe on what Karl Marx said and stated. In the modern days, his belief is more present and more clear compared to the other sociologists. But I still respect the beliefs of Aguste Comte, the positivism and Marriet Martineau, her secularism that religious should not play a role in the government and other public parts of society.

    Jerick Lim BSOT-1B

  6. I completely disagree to Martineau's idea that religion should not play a role in the government, education and other public parts of the society. Although we have one God with different religions, He is the one who will serve as our guide in creating a prosperous society where we live in. He taught us to believe in him that everything is possible and achievable with our faith and trust in His wills. It is in us if we believe in what these theorists are trying to delineate or either we have our own stand and conviction regarding what the society is composed and need.

    Cheyenne Chelsea D. Empuerto BSOT-1B

  7. Yes, I think that Marx contributed an essential thing in society, which is the concept of unity and equality. However, this is very hard to attain because man is selfish by nature. Everyone has their own beliefs, opinions and views on society and this creates conflict. The thought of unity and balance is not bad, but we also have to look at the big picture of POSSIBLE WAYS for man to achieve this so called unity in our society today. We can't always stick to one thought. We also have to think of other possibilities and ways to solve the main problem of our society today.

    Therese Adrienne A. Alcoseba BSOT-1B :D

  8. I personally agree with both Marx's and Comte's theory. Every one us has a different perspective toward each views in the society but with these two theories it can be a great solution to the a problem of the society which is lack of unity.

    Trisha Regalado BSOT 1B

  9. Due to their theories we are now aware of what were the happenings from the past which is helpful because it is one of the key for the better future. I agree to Marx theory about the equal treatment between rich and poor people. We must be united for we are the children of God.

    Stefani L. Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  10. Everyone has their own opinions but in regarding in one of our society's problem today, it's not about how science and religion started conflicts but how people treat each other and just like what Trisha said, no unity. So I fully agree on Marx's theory.

  11. We can achieve unity if we only treat each other equally and recognize a man's labor. but it is also hard to achieve unity because everyone of us has our own opinion and our opinion would cause disagreements but we should learn to bend our opinion and learn to balance each of our opinion and perspective in order to attain unity and treat everyone equally.

    samantha dyle ayo bsot 1b

  12. I personally agree with Comte's theory. In my own perspective, Comte proposed a hierarchy of the sciences based on historical sequence, with areas of knowledge passing through these stages in order of complexity. The simplest and most remote areas of knowledge, mechanical or physical, are the first to become scientific. These are followed by the more complex sciences, those considered closest to us.

    Bosque, Frances Drew R. BSOT 1-B

  13. I personally agree with Comte's theory. In my own perspective, Comte proposed a hierarchy of the sciences based on historical sequence, with areas of knowledge passing through these stages in order of complexity. The simplest and most remote areas of knowledge, mechanical or physical, are the first to become scientific. These are followed by the more complex sciences, those considered closest to us.

    Bosque, Frances Drew R. BSOT 1-B

  14. I agree that we all have different ideas, but I also believe that we all have a common ground and can still achieve unity.

    Glyzza Rose Garrido

  15. One of the issues we are facing now in our society is the discriminatory practices in treating people. So the point of Marx is the absolute relevant point for the society. In terms of the other two theories, the belief of introspection and intuition and secularism for the society should be balanced. Some part of these two theories should be applied to the society. The beliefs of the people will always matter for the unity of the people.

  16. I believe we can never achieve the theory of Carl Marx it is true but in the sad world we live in we cannot achieve equality among brothers . Because people today do not care of what people do for them as long as they get what they want and pleasure on it that's it . Big companies just leech on people who could have been successful without even knowing it .Many are cheated and not told of how successful they could have been if they just knew how to market it.

    1. Marc Frederick M. Lim

    2. Comte's theory is agreeable since i believe man should not think of the society as a single but as a whole. But that is easier said than done.

      - Angel Claire N. Oropel BSOT- 1B -

    3. Not everything in this world can be explained by science. Although, I do believe that most of is explainable with science. Therefore, I agree and disagree regarding the the bottom line that science explains everything.


  17. We should acknowledge man's labor and respect him; we should not just focus on someone's social status and discriminate him. This is one of the reasons why we're experiencing conflicts in our society.

  18. I quote John Green, “Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are. People are different when you can smell them and see them up close.” We're all dealing with same game called "life; just different devils. We shouldn't discriminate others but treat them as one would treat himself and praise those who strive hard for the betterment of all, as Marx would put it. And I agree to what he believes in.

    Brinkley Deticio BSOT 1B

  19. I do believe that man has their own opinion and perception. This could be the root cause of a conflict but this can also be the solution to it. Man should know the act of respect and the act of being open-minded. Instead of man debating on other men on what they stand for, might as well consider the opinion or the side of others. And if man doesn't agree at least learn the act of respecting other people's opinions. I believe that we experience inequality in reality but I also do believe that equality can still be achieved if only we know how to keep an open-mind and learn the value of respect.

    Regina Clare Urbina BSOT - 1B

  20. I agree with Augste Comte's theory for he assumed that human behavior must obey laws just as strict as Newton's laws of motion, and that if we could discover them, we could eliminate moral evils - in exactly the same way that medical scientists were then discovering how diseases worked and were eliminating much of the physical suffering which had always been an inevitable part of the human condition.

  21. I agree that there is a lack of unity in our society. Although people have different perspectives, it doesn't mean that that society wouldn't be able to unite

    Raika Camille G. Tiu

  22. I agree that we have different views in life but there is a big chance that we can be united.

  23. In a society where there are different perspectives to one problem, unity is difficult but it does not mean impossible. The presence of different perspectives means that we, as a society, have to accept those differences and make it so that those differences can help each other out.

  24. We should look at things in different perspective in order for us to take a stand for what we believe in and respect the beliefs of other people.

  25. To think the country could be led to unity is too vague. With the different wants, standards and needs of people, unity will never be applicable. I also disagree that religion should not take part in the government. If the Bible or God's commandments will not be used as our guide then what will? Our own wisdom? Nonsense! we are already too corrupt and I believe the God's commandments and ow religion is still a part of the government is the only thing that's actually keeping this country from falling in to pure immorality.

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN2A

  26. To think the country could be led to unity is too vague. With the different wants, standards and needs of people, unity will never be applicable. I also disagree that religion should not take part in the government. If the Bible or God's commandments will not be used as our guide then what will? Our own wisdom? Nonsense! we are already too corrupt and I believe the God's commandments and ow religion is still a part of the government is the only thing that's actually keeping this country from falling in to pure immorality.

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN2A

  27. I also agree that our society lack unity. People have different perspective. We all differ because of different opinions of each individual but having unity is not impossible. Each individual is gifted with capabilities. Not everyone has the same capability. Thus, we should use these differences in making unity in the society possible. One man cannot suffice his own need without the help of other people. He is not gifted with every characteristic to reach his needs. He need people by his side to make it happen. No man is an island.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  28. I also agree that our society lack unity. People have different perspective. We all differ because of different opinions of each individual but having unity is not impossible. Each individual is gifted with capabilities. Not everyone has the same capability. Thus, we should use these differences in making unity in the society possible. One man cannot suffice his own need without the help of other people. He is not gifted with every characteristic to reach his needs. He need people by his side to make it happen. No man is an island.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  29. I also agree that our society lack unity. People have different perspective. We all differ because of different opinions of each individual but having unity is not impossible. Each individual is gifted with capabilities. Not everyone has the same capability. Thus, we should use these differences in making unity in the society possible. One man cannot suffice his own need without the help of other people. He is not gifted with every characteristic to reach his needs. He need people by his side to make it happen. No man is an island.

    Chimney M. Llanos

  30. Marx's idea is so ideal but in contrast, he has a point. Creating communism will create not only balance, but workers and vice-versa get the pay that they deserve. I think we should learn from Marx's concept because this has always been one of the main problems of society. A world without balance, selfishness and ignorance. Eradicating these thoughts will hopefully bring peace and order to the world.

    Julianne Marie T. Brazil BSOT-1B

  31. I agree on Comte's belief that religion should not play a role in the government because I believe that religion is not something to be imposed but it is something that we have choosen. But this doesn't mean that we should lose our values, we should always know what is the good or the bad and you don't need to have a religion for that.

    Sheena Licong BSOT-1B

  32. I agree on Comte's theory because the behavior of man will always affect the society he/she belongs, and inorder to know or understand the behavior of man, scientific investigation will be needed. Therefore, science is important in society.

    Antopina- BSN2A

  33. I agree on Comte's theory because the behavior of man will always affect the society he/she belongs, and inorder to know or understand the behavior of man, scientific investigation will be needed. Therefore, science is important in society.

    Antopina- BSN2A

  34. I agree in our society doesn't have/ lack of unity, but its up to the people if they want to be unitited or not.

    As Comte's theory, religion is what we chose, we know what is good and bad, it only depends to them if they wil mixed iit up in the problems of society.

    Finalyn Jaji BSOT-1B

  35. I personally support Marx's Concept about unity & equality because it gives a great improvement in our society however it is a very difficult task to achieve since man has many different perspectives. I also disagree that religion should not take part in the society because for what I believe, the bible is the one who gives guidance to the people. Without these guidance, how would we know if we done the right thing? For what I know, the Commandments of God serves as a great impact to our society in order for us to be united & treated each other equally and fairly.

    Bacalso,Mary Ellen Remedios C. BSN-2A

  36. I do agree with Joshua Abad's thought about Comte's idea quote; "We need to be united in order to solve sociological problems." I also do believe that the country should express the will of the majority and yet should give opportunity for the expression of the individual will and idea as well.
