Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Philippine-China Tension: A Contention That Could Lead To A Worldwide Conflict


by Paul Beltran

The Philippine-China dispute has gained notoriety since its creation on the 4th of April during 2012. It has gained the attention of not only the neighboring Southeast Asian countries, but also the attention of the countries part of the United Nations. To this day, it is regarded as one of the biggest unresolved territorial disputes that has been reported to the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea).

China claims that the ownership of the Scarborough Shoal, one of the major the territories being fought over, belongs to them. The Philippines rebutted, saying that the shoal is in our ownership in accordance to international law. The entire dispute just turns into a see-saw of claims stating that one of the two countries making the said claim owns the Scarborough Shoal.

The Scarborough Shoal is a very important landmark in the South China Sea, since it is seen as a trade route that could potentially earn trillions of dollars worth of barter. China, however, could probably see it as a great military base like what they have done to the Spratly Islands. [1]

The Philippines is using the international laws of the UNCLOS in order to get general approval from all the other members of the UNCLOS so that the ownership of the shoal would belong to us. One of our best claims is that the shoal is within our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which happens to be 124 nautical miles away from the baseline, whereas the shoal is 550 nautical miles from Hainan Island, the closest territory that China has near the shoal. [2] Another genuine claim that could increase the Philippines' chances of getting support from the UNCLOS is a 300-year old map that our country has in our possession that shows the shoal being part of our country's geography. [3]

China defended themselves, arguing that the shoal belongs to their history and has been mapped as a part of their country since the Yuan dynasty at around 1271 A.D. [3]. China tried to support this fact by stating that the map from the Yuan dynasty as well as other earlier maps that were made before the map that the Philippines has in possession came to existence truly exists, but it has since been proven false and inaccurate. [4] China, however, tries to justify their cause by presenting the 9-dash line, but the accuracy was questioned by the Philippines and has caused more conflict to this ever-growing tension between the two countries. [5]

These two countries are notorious due to their conflict for the shoal as well as several other groups of islands inside the South China Sea, but that does not mean that they are the only ones fighting in this dispute. Several countries such as Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Taiwan also claim areas inside the South China Sea. [6]

The UNCLOS is about to have a hearing regarding the ownership of the Scarborough Shoal on July of this year. [7] The odds of victory may point to our country, but that does not mean that China is going to just sit down and make the decision pass. China will surely have problems regarding the decision of the UNCLOS does happen to end the dispute in favor for the Philippines.

China is one of the fastest-growing superpowers to this day. It has the largest population in the entire world, having around 1.3 billion people as of 2014 [8], which, in turn, gives them the largest army in the entire world. China has the history of being arrogant and would preferably resolve matters in many ways other than diplomacy when they are in a tight situation, as shown in their latest dispute with Taiwan. [9]

The question in this matter, however, is not only about what China might do if they receive the short end of the stick, but also what the international community would do as a response to China's actions. There would be countries that would support China while there would be countries that would oppose it for sure.

It is also very clear that, despite having the largest army in the world, China is not capable of defeating the United States in a war both strategically and technologically. China may be arrogant, but they have smart and capable leaders. They would surely ask for support from allied nations if the situation does arise. This will lead to many countries choosing sides: Whether to support or oppose China in a war that could destroy many, if not all, of the cultures around the world because of our technological advancements if the possibility occurs. If a war like this ever occurs, it is given that the US would surely be at the helm of the opposing party. Countries will engage in combat, but the result is still the same.

Our country will be dragged into a war that we cannot win.

The Philippines is a third world country. It lacks the funds to build a great military unit that could compare to many other countries in South East Asia, much less against a superpower. We would be helpless and would be forced to choose a side, more specifically the United States.

Many people would say that all of this tension against China could have been avoided if we would have just given up the shoal in order to prevent any needless conflict. However, it would have an opposite effect. By choosing to let China take the shoal without a fight, it would instead fuel the sense of superiority that China already has for quite a while and would make them more abusive, making them think that everything would simply just go their way, especially against small nations like us.

Others would also state that the Philippines should have talked it out with China instead of immediately asking for assistance from other countries through the UNCLOS. This, however, could also prove futile. China is very arrogant and would not withdraw from claiming the shoal, similar to China's continuous advancements towards "uniting" Taiwan with China, when in truth that they just want to control Taiwan as a lesser country under the Chinese government. [10] [11] This just proves that China is capable of lies, also shown in their desperate attempt in proving their ownership of the shoal through ancient maps that were proven to be false. [4]

So why not just share the ownership of the shoal? Unfortunately, this is not possible. That's because countries like the US and China beforehand are totalitarian when it comes to territories. They would prefer taking the territory as a whole and dislike the idea of having to split territories. Though some may say that China is no longer totalitarian, it has been until 1965. Who's there to say that they might not go back to their old ways?

In conclusion, the Philippines has better rights to the shoal than China does, but that will not stop China from taking action. If both countries would not find a solution through diplomatic means beforehand, China might use force instead and would make the US defend our country. This, however, will make other countries join in and pick sides as well, causing an all-out war from both sides. That's only one of the many possibilities, but in our current situation, no one can say that it is not likely.


  1. Aquino has tried to upgrade the Philippines' military capabilities, and is trying to close a deal to allow more U.S. troops to rotate through the Philippines. However, he also understands that the Philippines' best chance of coming out victorious in its territorial disputes is to appeal to international law. World War would possibly happen, when this issue about the Shoal can not be overcome by peaceful agreement. We Filipinos are depending on our government. All we have to do id to pray for peace. God bless, Philippines.

    Stefani L. Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  2. Apparently, China's nine-dash claim is flawed. A study found the nine-dashed line to be an ambiguously tenable but insufficient basis for Beijing to exercise sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the South China Sea, at best, and a wholly inconsistent basis for the exercise of such rights, at worst. For the most part the study’s findings are irreproachable; but on the final historical rights-related count the analysis is flawed. China needs to learn their place and realize that they do not have the power to run the world despite their population because a country's population does not define how poweful a country is. The Scarborough Shoal is ours and ours alone, we have all the rights to claim and fight for it.

    Samantha Ayo BSOT 1B


  3. This conflict has immense implications for all ASEAN nations because of their proximity to the location and also because of their relationships with both China and the Philippines. In addition, the conflict in the Scarborough Shoal is of interest to the United States. The US has a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines that promises their help if conflict between the Philippines and any other nations becomes violent. However the US is working hard to building a successful relationship with China and does not want to offend or further isolate China by coming to the Philippines defense.


  4. China is the only country that uses 9 dash line as a basis for claiming territory but has no legal evidence that this could be a support and a ground for owning a territorial sea. It is definitely not right to give up our territory without fighting for it because it would make China breathe the air they wanted and give them a knowledge that we are allowing them to use their power and be underdogs. We also get resources from the sea which makes us more progressive and productive despite of some corrupt government officials but the President, Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III held on although labeled as a third world country, this is purely not a reason for us to back out and leave our rights hanging. United States, considered to be a wealthy country who also succeeds in strategic and technological fields, that China is not capable of winning, our partner country where the Philippines reaches out having the treaty that promises their help if conflict between us and any other nations becomes violent. China is making brazen assertions that rewrite history and take no account of geography.

    - Cheyenne Chelsea D. Empuerto BSOT-1B

  5. The conflict on this is what to choose between "Giving up the property" or "Letting the China and its allies to engage a war in the phillipines" . This could affect most of the filipinos in addition of concern to those who has not lived their lives yet.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. To fight for something that rightfully belongs to you is understandable but to declare war over a decision based on international laws is simply egoistic. With most of the laws supporting the Philippines, China does not have a chance. But what happens if UNCLOS would choose China due to that unsaid threat- a possible war? Just because the Philippines is a third world country doesn’t mean it should be a country looked down upon. Filipinos are, after all, the kind of people who would go beyond lengthy measures to fight for their rights and achieve what is theirs. It all leads back to one word- acceptance. Bloody wars have come to be due to the mere fact that some people just can’t seem to accept that there are things that cannot be theirs. The Scarborough Shoal is in favor of the Philippines and what happens after that we can’t be sure of but let’s just hope for the best.

    Brinkley Angeli S. Deticio BSOT 1-B

  9. Philippines have been very abundant in aquatic resources, all the more with the Scarborough Shoal within us.Owning these lands may even be the key factors of improvement of the Philippines; raising our economy. Imagine how the Shoal can improve our country. We should never give up for what is ours.

  10. Though I know the importance of fighting for our claims of the Scarborough Shoal I still do not think it is a good enough reason to be dragged into a war that might happen. With China's military power it would be very hard for the Philippines to win, even with the help of America. This conflict would also deter America of their hopes of having a good relationship with China

    Angel Claire Oropel BSOT-1B

  11. Though I know the importance of fighting for our claims of the Scarborough Shoal I still do not think it is a good enough reason to be dragged into a war that might happen. With China's military power it would be very hard for the Philippines to win, even with the help of America. This conflict would also deter America of their hopes of having a good relationship with China

    Angel Claire Oropel BSOT-1B

  12. The Philippines has every right to fight for Scarborough Shoal since it's truly theirs but, the consequences of this complaint could possibly spark a war that will cost thousands upon thousands of innocent lives, especially Filipinos. The Philippine Army cannot measure up to China's even with Pres. Aquino's acquisition and purchase of new military equipment. With this all said, I hope this conflict would not reach the point were people would get hurt and international relationships will be put at stake. Indeed, war is not the answer to this predicament. By all means, a peaceful settlement and negotiation should always be considered. This will spare many lives and maybe even strengthen our ties with China and other neighboring ASEAN countries. We must always look at the bigger picture and contemplate on out actions before we actualize them. It is through this practice that countries flourish and progress.

    Trisha Regalado BSOT-1B

  13. While I agree that we have every right to fight for the Scarborough Shoal, I would rather pray for a peaceful negotiation instead of a costly war that we might lose.

  14. According to international laws, that both China and Philippines signed to agree to, Philippines clearly have the better case. However, China won't back down easily and they have a strong military, so I sincerely hope that whatever the ITLOS decides next year, we may be able to end this peacefully.

  15. The Philippines have better claims than China. China is just doing whatever they can to become more superior than they already are now. If China were to start a war over this, it would be a completely stupid decision. China has nothing to lose if they didn't have the shoal since they are already a powerful country. If the Philippines were to have the shoal it would greatly help our economy. China is being quite selfish.

    Raika Camille G. TIu BSOT-1B

  16. We should fight for what is rightfully ours. In terms of the claims, it favors the Philippines. So yeah.

  17. There will be a never-ending dispute to this big issue of territorial gain between the Philippines and China. Think about it, there are so many solutions as to solve the problem but not even one succeeded. It even got to the point where China went against the international law and the Philippines is asking help for UNCLOS. What happened afterwards? It got even bigger and chaotic than it was before. In my own opinion, the situation has become even more complicated. I can only hope and pray that this will be solved in a way China can hopefully understand and that this conflict may strengthen the bond between the two countries about this serious matter of territorial dispute over the Scarborough Shoal.

    Therese Adrienne A. Alcoseba BSOT-1B :D

  18. According to senior justice Antonio Carpio in a speech in Manila, "To maintain in the region, countries must abide by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)".

    Philippines is claiming the Scarborough Shoal through the rule of law while China is claiming the Scarborough Shoal through its rapidly growing naval fleet. It is clear that Philippines wants a peaceful negotiation and not war.

    -Josil Ara Jann R. Sanoria BSN-2A

  19. All and all greed is the subject. Chine is basically the richest country in the world. Since they saw potential in our little island they want to take it from us. In a couple of years or even after our deaths Chine might own the world. That's the truth.

  20. There are more pressing matters to attend to then this complication between Philippines and China .Did they just let ISIS slip? Right now ISIS is slowly conquering IRAQ and slowly geting more wealthier . True, the United States are doing something but they are held back on focusing on this problem because of the complications between China and Philippines . knowing that the coming judgement of who really proclaims these islands will not be so good . The United states have to prepare for a battle in 2 fronts . Its time we thought about what is really important . Innocent people are dying, being dragged in a war that they never asked for . Please pray for those people who have passed and the soldiers who have sacrificed there lives that they may rest in peace .

  21. We should make a stand and claim every property that is rightfully ours. We won't let them push us away. And we also have our own rights to be respected.

  22. Philippines claim to the Scarborough Shoal is not for it's enormous benefits.
    For it's our right and if we cannot fight for an island, how much more if we would be invaded?
    We lost an island once, and we're not losing another one again.
    UNCLOS is the law.
    If China claims the shoal, UNCLOS' power would be rendered useless.

  23. "If our books were rockets launched at China, China would have been conquered," UP College of Law Dean Danilo Concepcion said.

    Scarborough Shoal has always been a part of the Philippine territory and subject to exclusive jurisdiction. China may bully us and make us feel intimidated but it doesn't mean they can bring us down, not unless if they push war on us. For now all we can do is hope and pray.

  24. The competing claims to the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea is surely growing. It is our job to prepare ourselves and continue to hope for a declaration in peaceful means.

  25. The conflict between China and the Philippines should no resort to war. This could create great loss in our country since China's more powerful than the Philippines. We should still fight for our claims despite China's threat.

  26. China’s evidences are proven to be flawed and this shows that Philippines might have a chance of getting the approval of the ITLOS. However, the Philippines should be prepared on whatever is about to come since we know that China does not take “no” for an answer.

    Regina Clare Urbina BSOT-1B

  27. It doesn't mean we're just a third world country it would be hard for us to fight for what is ours. It needs a strong country to fight for our own land and our own right. I know it wouldn't be impossible that there would be a war due to this tension between two countries. Yes, they're powerful compared to us but to be a country men of this place we don't need to be the the underdogs. The Philippines has the real documents yet China is still persistent to getting our land.

  28. The Philippines has been through enough wars and slavery, we fought for peace so we should continue to fight for peace, we shouldn't give up just because of the mere thought that we can be defeated; yes they have the upper hand when it comes to military forces but a lot are on our side. Scarborough is ours.

  29. Yes, the tension between China and Philippines is palpable, but it should not end in war. There are other means of resolving the conflict and war shouldn't be one of the options.

  30. We should not end this with war. That is just lacking good sense. We should all try to seek solutions through peaceful methods such as negotiations, mediation, judicial settlement, or other peaceful means.

  31. Yes. We should not end this with war. If the decision is that Scarborough Shoal is owned by the Philippines, the china should accept the fact that Scarborough Shoal is not theirs.


  32. We have the right to fight for it because it is ours. And if war is needed to finish this conflict. Why not?

    Irvin Nolasco BSOT-1B

  33. If the Chinese government thinks that we are unable in terms of military forces, little do they know that we are more educated than them so we will not have a fight just like what are heroes did a long time ago doing those propagandas just by using their pen they did win. We will use our brain and mouth to speak out the truth and not let a river of blood to flow just to settle this conflict in this island. We have a greater force in terms to allied countries and I think the UN and other peace organization will help us out. Lets think positive that we will win this fight.
    Cantal, Mary Anjunette OT3-A

  34. We should not let this lead to or end with war. If that happens, I think the Philippines will be pitiful. China is powerful and I personally think we dont have what it takes to win a war against them. We have to settle this peacefully

    Julie Ann C. Dy, BSN2A
