Saturday, June 20, 2015

Scarborough Shoal Conflict by Trisha C. Regalado

In this modern age, our laws on regards to peace among other countries are no long up to par. Every nation tries to build ties with others but in the end it all fails when one needs something the other has, especially if it has to do with something that can help their nation’s economy grow. This eventually leads to arguments, ruining relationships, and taking sides. An example would be the debate on whose should the Scarborough Shoal be, China’s or Philippines’.

Why is the Scarborough Shoal treated like a piece of treasure? First and foremost, it's located strategically where trade routes pass between Europe and the Middle East, from the Indian Ocean to Malacca Strait then to South China Sea to South Korea and Japan. Knowing it's in an advantageous location, it'll be easier for whoever owns to make their own trading if they use the islands as a trading ground. Another reason would be its oil reserves. China in 1989 announced that the Spratly Islands contain 25 billion cubic metres natural gas, 105 billion barrels of oil and 370,000 tons of phosphor. Lastly, the region’s rich fishing grounds, since the Scarborough Shoal is located near the Continental Slope, a lot of marine animals are abundant in the area.

                China claims to have been active in the area for over 2,000 years. Years ago, Chinas has been exploring the South China Sea since 960 during AD the Song Dynasty but the first map was published by the Chinese government that the South China Sea including the Scarborough Soul to be within their territory. China then submitted last 2009 a map to the UN, United Nations, which depicted a 9-dash line that shows their territory of the South China Sea. However, the 9-dash line includes the Scarborough Shoal which crosses into the Philippines EEZ. The Scarborough Shoal is 124NM from the Philippines and is more than 500NM from Hainan, China. Thus, the shoal is within the 200NM EEZ and 200NM Continental shelf of the Philippines. The Philippines and China have signed in 2002 the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea together with the other 10 ASEAN member countries. The declaration seeks to “resolve territorial issues by peaceful means and in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea”. 

Knowing all these facts, we can conclude that the Scarborough Shoal is in fact part of the Philippine territory and not China’s. Therefore, the Philippines has the right to fight for what is theirs and not just be intimidated of a powerful country like China.


  1. I support and agree that the Philippines should fight for the Scarborough Shoal and may actually win against China because it has been part of the Philippines’ known map for over centuries. It is also part of our continental shelf and most especially, we have the support of the other countries.

  2. I agree that we shouldn't be intimidated by China. Despite our country being often looked down upon, we Filipinos have remained strong and vigilant over the past centuries. The mere call of China with old maps and a no longer valid and vague 9 dash line claim to support is simply unacceptable. The Scarborough Shoal is rightfully ours since it is within the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone and 200 nautical miles continental shelf of the Philippines, a concept which is adapted by the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. Also, with both China and the Philippines signing a declaration which pertains to resolving such issues in peaceful means, I guess we have nothing to fear.

    Brinkley Angeli S. Deticio BSOT-1B

  3. The Philippines have the right to fight for their territory; given the amount of proof that we have and the international laws that support us. Although, we have the right to fight for our territory we should also keep in mind that if this issue gets out of hand, we will not be the only country that will be affected.

  4. China may seem powerful and it is declared by President Aquino, that the Philippines has no match for China. But that doesn't mean what they want they will have it. We, Filipinos, have enough evidence to show them that this Scarborough issue needs no more conflict but acceptance. The Treaty Law, given its proximity to the Philippines, common sense dictates that the Shoal is laying within Philippine territorial waters, not that of China and international law is on the side of the Philippines. So, China has no right to claim for what is truly ours.

  5. I agree that the filipinos should not be intimidated by such a huge and powerful country. Scarborough Shoal is rightfully ours. It all boils down to acceptance of whether where the Shoal belongs. If the Philippines gets the Shoal then China should respect the international laws.

  6. Countries fight for ownership of one island.
    If such case can cause disorder between countries, the bigger problems we'd face in the future might end in a bigger chaos.
    How much more if it would involve all nations?
    Philippines and China must resolve this immediately.
    This might end up in war.
    However, they chose to strengthen their military strategies and allied with other countries.
    No communications will have the other party misunderstand and would turn to utter chaos.

  7. Indeed. Those rocks belong to the Philippines.The Filipinos have been officially administering Scarborough Shoal since the beginning of the 20th century. Taking care of the well being of the Shoal and things like sea mishaps and poaching. The Chinese are the ones who disrespect International Laws, like the UNCLOS.

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  9. China's evidence on claim of Scarborough Shoal including the 9-dashed line map are all lies not fact. The map itself tells the truth that Scarborough shoal is owned by the Philippines. (See the difference 124 NM from Philippines VS. 500 NM from China)

    I agree that Philippines should not be intimidated by a powerful China. They may have the most hi-tech war machineries but we Filipinos have the brave heart to fight for what is ours.

  10. Yes, China may have more firepower than the Philippines but they do not hold enough evidence to prove that Scarborough Shoal belongs to them. For one, Scarborough Shoal is closer to the Philippines, than it is to China. China is resorting to violence to try and win Scarborough Shoal, but we Filipinos must fight for what is truly ours

  11. I agree that the Philippines should fight for whats really theirs and that they shouldn't be intimidated by China. China should know that they can't have everything in the world. They are just trying to complicate everything and create an even bigger problem. There is already enough proof that the shoal belongs to the Philippines.

    Raika Camille G. Tiu BSOT-1B

  12. Scarborough Shoal is claimed by both Philippines and China. Now, the conflict between both countries are getting bigger and bigger. They say, if this conflict between China and Philippines continues war might happen between US and China.

    Karl Jerick Lim BSOT 1-B

  13. I concur with the author's assessment regarding on how we, Filipinos should make a move and have an expedient solution. Having huge respect to China as a whole, we give judicious criticism as well as praise but never allowing them to get what is really ours. This issue seems so ceaseless and fathomless as days are passing by, this doesn't need to be fought over that may lead to chaotic activities but needs to be talked over without having the fear of acceptance. We should remain strong and put to mind that there is nothing to be afraid of by just having the presence of all attestations proving China are claiming it with no certain evidences. We are surrounded with stimulated proofs by which if this will be not taken over, countries all over the world will be affected.

    Cheyenne Chelsea D. Empuerto BSOT-1B

  14. We should fight for it. So we won't be call the baby country sticking to the United States. So that if we win this argument. No one will look down on us again. Like how everyone says in the comments we own it. Period..

  15. Judging from how this will go, Do you think fighting for whats ours would be the best way to go in this situation? I mean sure, we can show other countries that the Philippines is no longer a laughing matter. But people look at the odds of this war a billion to a million ? What do we hope to achieve if we fight for this land? It wont be long till China will move and try to take our own country . If we fight fire with fire, we will only achieve more famine, people dying, and increase the chances of the Philippines, our own pride land, to be taken away from us even sooner .

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  17. We should be strong against China, even though we know we are defenseless but we won't accept the fact that we are just a "nobody" that can be pushed away whenever they want to

  18. I believe that while we should stay strong against China, we must avoid a war that could take countless lives

  19. I agree that Philippines should continue to fight for its claims over the Scarborough shoal. This is because Philippines based their claims on the terms of UNCLOS. And it is most likely that we will receive a favorable ruling over the said region.

  20. I agree that we must fight for the Scarborough Shoal because it is our own territory. We have clear evidences that we really own the Shoal against China.

  21. I agree that we must fight for the Scarborough Shoal because it is our own territory. We have clear evidences that we really own the Shoal against China.

  22. I agree that we must fight for the Scarborough Shoal because it is our own territory. We have clear evidences that we really own the Shoal against China.

    Stefani Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  23. I agree that we must fight for the Scarborough Shoal because it is our own territory. We have clear evidences that we really own the Shoal against China.

    Stefani Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  24. I agree that we must fight for the Scarborough Shoal because it is our own territory. We have clear evidences that we really own the Shoal against China.

    Stefani Bartolabac BSOT-1B

  25. Although we are weaker compared to China, we should still fight for it since we have enough evidence to say that it is ours.

  26. "The Philippines and China have signed in 2002 the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea together with the other 10 ASEAN member countries. The declaration seeks to “resolve territorial issues by peaceful means and in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea”." This is funny because China is not doing this at all. They are constantly pushing Philippines to the corner by force in order to get Scarborough Shoal to attain not only fishes, but the rich resources this shoal has. Well, leaving my personal comments aside, the Philippines should definitely do something about this. Although it is good to have UNCLOS and the U.S. on our side, we can't always depend on them because they are merely our supporters. They are not the ones that have a say on this. It is us. We have to speak out more on this issue and protect our country and what is rightfully ours, the Scarborough Shoal.

    Therese Adrienne A. Alcoseba BSOT-1B :D

  27. China claiming over Scarborough shoal shows how they belittle us, how they can play us around and how they can easily destroy us.They may be excellent in terms of defense and military combat but that doesn't mean that we are weak and powerless. Yes it's very unlikely to have a peaceful agreement with them but I believe that we shouldn't be intimated. We have the advantage, we have the right evidence that Scarborough Shoal is part of our territory and a lot of countries are on our side such as the United States.

    Sheena Marie Francesca A. Licong BSOT-1B

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. China may have the upper hand when you come to think of size and power but the Philippines should not feel intimidated and allow China, or any country rather, to step on them. Rather, they must continue to solidify their stand and be prepared on what is ahead of them.

    Regina Clare Urbina BSOT-1B

  30. I agree that the Scarborough Shoal belongs to the Philippines because based on the maps that have been released it clearly shows how near the Scarborough Shoal is to the Philippines than from where China is.

    Mary Louise Zozobrado BSOT-1B

  31. We should fight for what is ours at the same time we should also be mindful of our actions for it may cause harm to our nation someday and i know we don't want that to happen since China is a powerful country. Since the law is with us, the Philippines then we should fight for it for it is ours and they don't have the right to get what isn't theirs.

  32. I think it's time that we Filipinos should fight for what we own. We shouldn't be stepped on. It happened a long time ago, but we shouldn't let it happen again. Therefore, I support and agree w/ this article.

  33. Since the Scarborough Shoal is said to be part of the Philippines, then we should fight for what is ours. and we should not let any other country to claim what's ours.


  34. China should learn to respect a country's decision. Scarborough is ours therefore we have the right to claim it. We should fight for it and not let other country bully us just because we are a third world country.
    Samantha Ayo BSOT 1B

  35. I already accepted the fact that China is a much bigger and stronger than the Philippines. But I will not accept that they will use their power in order to take away what is right for us. So we should fight for our right.

    Irvin Nolasco BSOT-1B

  36. China claims that the Scarborough Shoal is a part of its territory based on the nine-dash lines in the South China Sea. The Shoal is located 124 nautical miles west of Zambales and is within the 200 nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines, according to the Department of Foreign Affairs.
    Cantal, Mary Anjunette OT3A

  37. The fact that the Scarborough Shoal is located in the zone of the Philippines, China is stupid to claim that it is theirs
