Sunday, September 27, 2015


One of the major problems of our country is External Debt. It means the amount borrowed from international banks. It started in Marcos’ time that the Philippines had the largest foreign debt at over 25 Billion Dollars. Where did this money go?  Was it really used for the Filipinos? Or we only enjoyed a part of it? Marcos made Philippines one of the best, but he also made it one of the worst because until now we are still paying for the debts he left. And with this, I can say that he is selfish. He wasn’t thinking of the consequences of his actions. And for generations now, we are still suffering for what Marcos did.

Marcos is one of the best presidents Philippines had. He made Philippines known to the world. He was really brilliant. But he used his intelligence in a bad way. In my opinion, if he did the right thing and helped our country to rise, I think that we can be one of the best now. Our country won’t be facing so many problems as much as we are now. If these debts were not very big, there would be enough funds for everyone. Like for education, students who can’t afford to go to school can be supported by our government. For health, everyone should have insurance to government hospitals. We won’t need to pay large taxes. And there might be a possibility that poverty will not exist.

This problem can only be solved if our leaders are willing to help our country. Some leaders use this problem as an excuse to let us pay bigger tax, but don’t use this rightfully. If we are being led like these leaders, then the expected date that we can pay our debts might extend. That is why we should choose our leaders wisely. And hope that we will not make the same mistake we all did.


  1. We need leaders who are self-less and not selfish. - Mia Russell

  2. Our country's leaders are supposed to be getting us out of debt, not make our debt increase

  3. Although Marcos made our country have a lot of debts, we were actually a thriving country. Marcos might have been selfish but he made our country one of the best during his term. The leaders now should see ways on how to make our country thrive and not continue being selfish and corrupt.

  4. If the leaders of a country are unfit to serve its citizens, then the entire country, let alone the system, will crumble.

    -Paul Beltran

  5. The next leaders shouldn't repeat history itself but learn from it. A leader who can help the country rise up and not only makes the country famous because of the leader himself/herself but the benefits he/she gave to the country which makes it known to the world.

  6. As citizens of the country, we should remember that it is us that choose our leaders and that we have the responsibility to choose the right leaders for it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. We should choose leaders eho would lessen our debt. Basically choosing someone that would not be corrupt.

  9. Regarding the Philippine External Debt, I would like to add on that the Aquino administration spent an enormous amount of time and effort negotiating with various creditor groups to lower interest rates, reschedule the country's debt, and reduce the magnitude of the debt. A number of innovative schemes were undertaken; more were discussed. It was a process, however, that essentially meant running fast to stay in place.

    Frances Bosque BSOT 1-B

  10. The Philippines need leader who are more selfless and we the people have the power to choose who we put in that office. We must take time to know about our president candidates so we may not regret who we choose.

    -Marc Lim

  11. Its true that we need to vote wisely especially for the upcoming 2016 election. I would definitely vote for Mayor Rodrigo Duterte if he would run for president. The high costs of external debt can only be increased if we do not solve our own problems in the Philippines. I also do agree that Marcos was a good leader however the view of his national perspective impacted potential threat to his reign.

  12. It's important for us to have officials for they are the holders of our money, but instead of deliberately paying our debts, they are corrupting.

  13. Our leaders shouldn't repeat history itself but learn from it. We must these officials who are governing our state instead of choosing people who are just popular. Always remember that these are the people who hold our money. We must not give in to things that will blind us from the real problem, corruption.

  14. We should know the leaders inside out and know how they can change the country for the common good.

  15. Marcos was indeed a great president. Despite the people hating him for implementing Martial Law, the Philippines was very rich at the time of his rule. Leaders in our country should not only be selfless, but we need leaders who can lead us to the right path and make the Philippines a better place to live in.

    -Therese Alcoseba BS OT 1-B :D
