Friday, July 17, 2015

Sociological and Anthropological Concepts

by: Tiu, Raika Camille G.

One of the theorist, Plato who had an a priori perspective, introduced the Theory of Ideal State. The theory states that the state exists with the primary goal to lead individuals towards the Good Life. For that to happen there should be an absolute Moral Law. An absolute Moral Law is an Ideal World or perfect world. This world is basically where every ideal form of goodness and beauty is found. Since man is not an independent individual, man would need the help of others in the state. Plato also believes that epic poets and dramatists should not be leaders because they use emotion instead Plato believes that philosophers should be leaders. According to Plato, there are 3 classes: the Artisans, Auxiliaries and the Guardians. The Guardians would be the leaders of the state, the Auxiliaries as the defenders of the state and the Artisans as the producers or the those who serve the state for the progress of the economy of the state. Plato also says that men and women are equal. He believes that both genders should have equal opportunities and without discrimination. Aristotle came in next and he says that, "only in the State that man can live the good life in any full sense, and since the good life is man's natural end the State must be called a natural society." A natural society means that the State supports the development of the Good Life and promote the good. Since the State supports the Good Life, men are naturally working towards the good life. Aristotle calls the State as the "creature of nature" and man as the "political animal". Man as the "political animal" basically refers to man existing for the Good Life and through this, men participate/cooperate with each other which makes the state as a "creature of nature". Aristotle states that some men are free by nature and others are slaves. But slaves must be respected by their leaders since it is unnatural for the "master" to abuse his authority. Aristotle disagrees with Plato since Aristotle defines leadership as "the rule of many". Aristotle believes anyone that is qualified enough can be a leader while Plato believes in the Guardians as the only leader of the State. But Plato and Aristotle do have similarities since Aristotle also believes in the Good Life. After Aristotle there is St. Thomas. St. Thomas had beliefs more on Christianization. He stated that, "a natural institution founded on the nature of man as a rational and social being". He also agrees with Plato that man is a social being which mean they are born to live in a community. Society therefore is natural to men. Since society is natural than government is also natural to men. St. Thomas believes that man should be guided by reason since reason would ensure man to be morally good. From what I understood from St. Thomas, the soul is the leader and the body is being ruled by the soul. St. Thomas believes that the state should cultivate religious values. Niccolo Michiavelli follows believing that through proper application power should be used for the security and welfare of the state. He states that the State is founded on the "solid armed force". Therefore if the members of the state are submissive because of "arm" then power and security would thrive. He believes that armed force is law. "A good law is a good armed force." - Glenn Trajano. Niccolo says that he prefers force towards the state because he considers every man to be brute and selfish but man can be tamed through coercive force. Threat and violence are justified as long as they ensure safety and security to the general masses. After Niccolo, there is Thomas Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes agrees with Niccolo that man is selfish. He believes that a "body politic" is a state that has the strength/authority greater than the natural tendency of man to be selfish. Lastly, there is Baron de Montesquieu. He classified the power of the government into 3 layers: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The Legislative power enacts the law, the Executive power establishes public security and provides safety against invasions and the Judicial power punishes criminals and determines the disputes that arise between the men. These 3 layers of power are followed by the present government.

In conclusion, I agree with some philosophy's of one person but not the other. I agree with Plato and St. Thomas that man is a social being. We need our fellow community to support us and be there for us. But I feel that St. Thomas' theory is quite bias because he's basing his philosophy on Christians and not everyone in the world is a Christian so the philosophy couldn't be applied to the masses. I disagree with Plato that only the Guardians can be leaders because it wouldn't be fair to those people that have the quality of a leader but can't be a leader since they aren't a "philosopher". Through all of the different philosophies that I read, I think some of these sociologists and anthropologists lack in specific areas. But if I had to choose one philosophy I would choose Machiavelli. The Philippines is a good example of Machiavelli's philosophy since the Philippines was under Marcos and Marcos (from what I've noticed) made the people more disciplined. Although Marcos left a big debt to the country, he made the country flourish during his term. Therefore, I state my opinion.

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